Chapter 4

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Sonata POV:

I awake to the smell of freshly baked cakes. I'm soooo hungry and I love cake almost as much as tacos. The smell is soo delicious that I keep my eyes closed and just keep smelling the air. I'm not weird...right? I doubt that I will get anything to eat for a long time if Adagio is still in a mood.

Luckily, today is actually warmer than yesterday. Now I think about it, I can't even feel the coolness of the early spring breeze. Somebody's sudden screaming makes my eyes jolt open. Wait....where is the road? And the cars? Where even is the sky? Wha...?

I seem to be inside.....I think. I dunno. A pretty pink and flowery door creaks open and a girl walks in. I open my eyes wider to get a closer look at what she's doing. She's putting ingredients into a mixing bowl!

"What are you baking??" I ask with curiosity in my eyes.

"'re awake."She replies quietly, turning around to look at me. I stay in silence staring, still awaiting an answer.

"Stop staring and me, God! Rude much. Why are you still.. Oh. I'm making cupcakes if you must know", she finally answers.

"Can I have some?"

"Ermm...let me think about! These cupcakes are all mine. Aww, don't look so sad, I made some special ones just for you"

"Oooo!!! What flavour are they. And what flavour are the ones your making now?!"

"Oh ermm....... It's a surprise. I can't tell you my secrets"

"Well, where are they? Can I eat them? Please please pleeeeaaaaseeee????!!"

"No not now! They're for your dinner!"

"But I'm hungry now! What about breakfast?"

"SCOOOTALOOOO!" The girl with straight pink hair screeched. A younger looking girl with purplish hair came bouncing into the room.

"Yes miss Pinkamena?" The young girl replied, who I assume is called Scootaloo as that is what the other girl called her. Scootaloo looks very young, only about 9, 10 and perhaps even 11. I recognise her from somewhere. In fact, I recognise them both from somewhere but I can't quite put my finger on it.

"Bring this girl some fruit loops to tide her over until tea time", she ordered the child. Fruit loops are Adagio's favourite. She always drags us around the human shops to buy them and she always insists on getting the biggest box possible. And if it's not big enough... Well she has a fit and then destroys everything in her pathway. Well at least that's what Aria has told me. I don't know as I don't shop with her much. Where are the others anyways?

"Hey, hey!! Woman! Heeeeey!"

"Gawd your soo annoying! What do you want?!"

"Do you know where Adagio And Aria are? Are they here too?"

Oh erm yeah they're here BUT they're not allowed to see you because erm you' you''re sick. Yes that's it, you are sick so they can't see you. Only me and Scootaloo are allowed in this room!" She quickly said as she opened a cupboard and pulled out a round thing. She suddenly gasped, throwing the round thing back into the cupboard and slamming it shut before heading towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I ask quickly before she can leave.

"I'm just.....somewhere. I'm late for......something." She said nervously. "I'll come back tonight though, with your cupcakes", she changed her tone and walked out the room laughing. Maybe she was happy that I was here. She was a nice lady.

What happened after Rainbow RocksDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora