2 | Mason's soccer practice

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I STARE AT the small black letters, trying to process what the passage means. I've been like this for the past fifteen minutes (I think). To be honest, I'm exactly sure how long I've been doing this, but from my timer, which was set for twenty minutes, I can guess that it's been fifteen minutes... I think. Honestly, I'm not sure. And I just realized I said that twice. My brain is officially fried.

Huh. I guess this is what feels like to have your brain fried: you repeat things.

"What time do we have to leave?" my mom says, looking at me from across the room. I look at her in panic and she wrinkles her eyebrows. I'd been so caught up in trying to understand this passage that I forgot about the time and the fact that I'll be going to Mason's soccer practice―the one thing I'm actually looking forward to today, which is weird considering that I hate being around people and I'd much rather prefer staying home, watching TV.

Basically, I'm an introvert.

"Isha, did you hear what I said?" my mom says in a way that makes it sound like her question is a command. I nod my head quickly.

"Yeah, yeah. We have to leave at five fifteen," I quickly say.

"Okay," my mom says, "well, it's five-ten, so you might want to get ready." I quickly look at the time on my laptop just to confirm. Damn, I think to myself, it's been that long? I started the SAT Reading Section at four-thirty. Where has time gone?

"Okay," I say as I jump to my feet and head upstairs to my room. I quickly throw on a t-shirt and a capri, not even bothering to close the door as I change. It's a habit of mine, but luckily I haven't been "caught" by my parents or my brother changing so I guess it's a sign from the Universe to start getting rid of my habit soon otherwise I will get "caught" one day. But that day can wait. I walk back downstairs and into the kitchen where the Acura key is. Circling it around my finger, I open the garage door and unlock the car door before settling into the car seat and turn it on. The engine roars which would once startle me, but after getting accustomed to hearing the sound several times, I don't react to it. Instead, I adjust my driver's seat and the rear window before raising my Apple Watch to my mouth and saying: "Hey Siri, call Mom." I take the opportunity of silence to lock the car's doors in case someone decides to attempt to come inside the car.

"Which mom?" she (at least I think it's a she) says.

I roll my eyes. Her classic question. To this day, I still don't know why I label my acquaintances' mom's names with their names before the word mom (I know my brain can mentally identify them). I didn't think it would be much of a bother (when I labeled their contacts), but I guess it is to her. I turn my attention back to Siri and say, "Mom." The ringing tone goes on, indicating that my phone is trying to reach my mom's phone, and I lie back in my seat. I honestly never felt more excited about something in my life than now. The feeling is so weird. Like, I keep on wanting to burst out in tiny, happy dances. Maybe it's because I've always dreamed of hanging out with Mason and now that it's a reality, my brain can't wrap itself around it so it's keeping me busy by making me feel these weird things. Or maybe it's just the fact that I haven't been outside of the house (like going somewhere) and now that I am, it feels like I'm free so I'm celebrating. It's probably the second reason because the last time I dreamt about hanging out with Mason was a month ago.

"Isha, I'm coming," my mom says, bringing me back to reality. I shake out of my trance and look at my Apple Watch.

"Okay, hurry up!" I say. My mom is always the one who arrives last in the car. It's funny because she's always lecturing us [Arjun and me] on arriving early to our classes, but she's always the one who arrives late. My mom appears suddenly at the garage door entrance and I shake my head, ashamed of her, as I unlock the car door.

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