16 | I clearly made a mistake

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Isha's POV

I DON'T GET how someone close to you can suddenly turn on your back. Not in a backstabbing way, you know what I mean. I'm still thinking about how Mason said he quit therapy group.

Well, he said, it doesn't mean he quit.

Ironic how he basically said I was a hinder and then, asked if I still liked him (that's a stupid follow-up question) yet I'm thinking about that. Is that bad? Instead of thinking of how despicable he is of referring to me as a hinder, I'm thinking of how lonesome it'll be to do those stupid activities in therapy group by myself.

Stupid therapy group. Maybe I should quit it too.

Well, not too. I'm not siding with Mason, I'm just doing it because I want to. So I'm doing it alone, by myself. Just like the times during quarantine. God, it's not fucking fair!

I shouldn't have to be so cautious around people. In fact, well, actually I never was. So this is a first. "Hey, you're not allowed to sit on the ground."

I look up to see this snarky teacher. Goddamn that woman. I remember her: that stupid Geometry teacher who never taught Geometry, thus my failure in that class, and actually was absent for basically one whole semester.

"Oh," I mutter, getting up.

"Yeah, I thought we made that clear last year," she snarks.

Bitch, I think to myself. Although, I should've said that out loud because saying it in my brain just confirms how lonesome I am. Stupid Mason. Goddamn him too. I just want to go home. I don't even want to eat here, anyways. The food here sucks.

And apparently, I need to lose weight.

I make my way to the table and then, midway, walk towards the cafeteria. I figure I'll just walk for the rest of lunch. There are only five minutes left anyways. God, I can't wait for tomorrow when I can wake up without brushing my teeth and pretend my camera has issues.


SO APPARENTLY MY body thinks I need to wake up at 6:30 AM today: I find myself opening my eyes at 6:45 (honestly, I don't know. I just check a glimpse of the time and note down a 4 and something that looks like a 5) and attempt to go back to bed, which fails. Several times.

I end up going on my phone, doing this ridiculous Microsoft Rewards I found out existed a few weeks ago, and re-watch a few episodes of The Middle until I realize I can't avoid brushing my teeth.

I still have fifteen minutes until class starts, though. Amazing, huh: how even through all of that class still hasn't started. It's not like I can watch another episode of The Middle because that show is twenty minutes and it'll just cut into my class time.

Or maybe I can.

I can always say I had internet issues and comply with that lie throughout the whole class period. But I'm getting sick of re-watching The Middle. I have to find another show and something that I like.

But since I don't have a show in mind, I log into the Zoom call. And the teacher is pretty quick to add me. She's already talking to some student when I enter the call. She waves at me and I nod my head a little (I doubt she even noticed).

Huh. I snort. Figures.

She's about wrapped up with the conversation (I'm not listening, I'm re-watching The Middle) when a few other students enter the call and I take note of the time.

I'm considering continuing the episode and listening to her talk: I can tune out the episode sound. But I end up tuning her out and by the time, she's done talking, I'm already on the second episode.

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