Chapter 0: Go For Archer

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???: Comms check.

"Go for Archer."

???: Ok, Archer you remember what to do right?

"I'm not an idiot, well not completely, but I remember what to do."

???: Really? Well go ahead and remind me what your mission is here Archer.

Sneak into the White Fang warehouse, search for any valuable intel and if possible learn the names of the leaders, then get out of dodge. Quick and quietly of course." I say with a smug grin on my face. Although it wasnt visible through my ski mask type balaclava.

???: Wow, you remember, color me surprised!

"Shut up. Alright I'm currently close by to the warehouse, I'll call you through comms again soon."

I peeked over some boxes I was hiding behind to scout around. Nothing so far, I looked to my left and saw a pipe that lead to the roof. Perfect.

???: "Alright then. Grimm Reaper signing off. Initiating radio silence."

And just like that comms went off. I started to crouch walk to the pipe. I started to climb up the pipe which didn't take me too long. I got to the roof and looked around, I saw the city of Vale. Looked oddly pretty even though I was somewhere a little less pretty.

"Ugh, smells less pretty too."

I walked a little bit closer to the edge of the roof of the warehouse to get a birds eye view of the area. Thankfully when and where I was gonna be deployed at was planned about a week back. It was a dark night that was meant to be quite cloudy but we got lucky and it started raining before I got here, thankfully the rain is still here so it should mask my footsteps at least. I looked around and activated my Trident goggles, there were a few guys on patrol about 10. 6 of them were just walking around the perimeter on the outside and 4 guarding the front and back entrances.

"Fun." I said slightly pissed off that it wasn't gonna be an easy night. I don't know why I expected for this to be easy but I did. I really am a dumbass for thinking it would be. I decided to activate EMF it would detect any electrical currents nearby. I saw a few but they lead to nothing but lights and light switches but no cameras.

"Nevermind, this'll be a little bit easier then." I say with a smirk. God I really hate cameras they've always almost caught me sneaking about which would result in a compromised mission. Thankfully I haven't been caught by one yet but I'm really hoping that number stays at zero. I kept looking around to see what I could find before making a move. I decided to hang off the edge of the roof and shimmy around it to see if I could find a window or hole in the foundation or building that I could sneak through. After a little bit of searching I found a window, it was open too.

*listen to some good old Chaos Theory OST for the stealth*

"What dumbass would keep a window open in the middle of a storm? They should know that this will allow unwanted guests to enter their facility such as mosquitoes, fly's, Splinter Cell operatives and more! "

I thought to myself and quietly chuckled. I slowly snuck through the window and tried to carefully drop down to the floor as to not make a noise. I managed to do it without fucking it up. I looked around with my goggles on Night Vision mode and saw a few guys walking around with flashlights, a few crates, an upper area that seemed to be only accessible by stairs, and a few pipes around the place, some that would require me to do some parkour to get to and others that I could get to without much of a problem. I decided to have a little bit of fun and go after the guys who just so happened to be alone and patrolling the area.

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