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Disclaimer: I do not own Detective Conan nor its characters. I’m just borrowing them for some idea of mine that has been recurring for two years now. =P I think they suit the plot well. XD


It was mid September in Beika City, 6:30 in the morning. Students of Teitan High were gathered up again at the school grounds the way they do almost everyday. It was not because they are having a flag ceremony or something. It was because…

“Kyaaa!!! Shinichi and Kaito! They’re coming!”

Girls from all the year levels were having their morning exercise – adoring and cheering for the two damn good-looking guys who make their mornings complete – Shinichi and Kaito Kudo.

“I don’t get it. What’s so astonishing about them?” Suzuki Sonoko uttered amidst the wave of fan girls they were passing through.

The meek girl beside her replied, “Well, they are nice. They can do a lot. They--”

Sonoko cut, “Ran, I know they are good-looking, they’re talented and all, but this has been going on for about three years already! Every morning these girls act as if celebrities were visiting our school.”

“Hm,” Ran thought for a second as they continued walking towards the school building, ignoring the drooling and hyped up girls on the sides. “They are like celebrities anyway, considering the fact that they appear on tv sometimes. I mean, Shinichi solves cases and is a famous detective while Kaito has a well-known rock band, and they both get featured in news and tv shows and are famous over the internet…”

Sonoko grimaced at Ran and stopped to point at the event by the school gate. “Look at them, don’t they have a life?! Every morning they welcome twin princes. Don’t they ever get tired of it? Aren’t they getting used to how those two look?”

Ran chuckled. “Sonoko, you’re taking things seriously. Let them express their admiration. After all, Kaito and Shinichi are not becoming airheads because of that. And besides, I think they deserve those fans anyway.”

Sonoko leaned towards Ran and observed her eyes for a while making her blush.


“Nothing.” Sonoko smirked after standing straight again. “Your subjective eyes just told me how special Shinichi really is for them and how blissful your Monday morning has become.”

“Eh? That was- How did you- mou~” Ran pouted.

“Haha! I really know how to read you, don’t I?” Sonoko teased. “Tell me, how long are you planning to keep that to yourself? Don’t you want to confess already? Being your best friend, Kaito can help you with him.”

Ran’s face flushed crimson. “Hey, it’s not like that. I just admire Shinichi, that’s all. I’m not into him that much for me to confess or anything.”

“Yeah right, tell that to my great great grandfather,” Sonoko sarcastically replied. “Hey, why not make a bet?”

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