Wuthering Heights

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Summary: "Out on the wiley, windy moors we'd roll and fall in green. You had a temper like my jealousy, too hot, too greedy. How could you leave me when I needed to possess you? I hated you, loved you too."

Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler

Song: "Wuthering Heights" by Kate Bush (though I was listening to Pat Benatar's cover while writing)

Author's Note: Post-Doomsday fix-it, as is per usual for this ship. Could take place during series 4 with dimension-hopping Rose if you want to view it that way.

Originally Published: 18 August 2013

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Out on the wiley, windy moors we'd roll and fall in green.
You had a temper like my jealousy, too hot too greedy.
How could you leave me when I needed to possess you?
I hated you, loved you too.

Bad dreams in the night.
They told me I was going to lose the fight.
Leave behind my Wuthering, Wuthering, Wuthering Heights.

Rose Tyler tossed and turned in her bed, unable to fall asleep. Moonlight spilled through the window and bathed her in its cool silver glow.

How long had it been since she was trapped in the parallel universe? Months? Years? And all because of him.

His face flashed in her mind, and she slammed her eyes shut. Fat lot of good it did, because now the memories wouldn't stop.

Rose remembered lying in apple grass on his trench coat, the Doctor stretched out beside her. In her mind she had rolled over, straddling him, and then sent the two of them rolling through the green grass, enjoying the feel of his body against hers. The scene melted and shifted, then condensed to the two of them inside the hospital. Rose was trapped in a corner of her mind, unable to do anything as Cassandra launched her body at the Doctor, snogging him, raking her hands through his hair, rolling her hips. Rose could see it, feel it, but it was as if from far away or in a dream. The Bad Wolf hadn't felt like this, and afterward Rose vowed that New Earth was the last time she would be possessed.

While traveling with the Doctor she'd seen so many sides of his personality. During his fight with the Sycorax leader, she'd seen a darker, more volatile side of him. "No second chances. I'm that sort of a man." He was quick to anger in this body, his temper and strong sense of justice raging like fire when he felt he had been violated. When he'd left her and Mickey on that spaceship to go chasing after some French mistress, jealousy had flared so strongly in Rose she thought it would consume her. Both of them were too hot, too greedy when it came to each other and their emotions.

More memories came unbidden, ending with Torchwood One. How could he have done that to her when she'd told him over and over again that she was never going to leave him? She'd made it back, of course . . . but she'd ended up being trapped in Pete's World anyway.

In that moment, she both hated and loved him.

He'd burned up a sun just to say goodbye . . .

Lately she'd been having nightmares whenever she'd fallen asleep, all of them involving the Doctor. She could see him, and she'd call out his name, but he never heard or saw her. And each time he looked so lonely, so broken and desperate, that it broke her own heart to see him like this.

The Beast's warning played in her mind again, and Rose dug her nails into the bedsheets. But in a way, she had lost the fight to stay with the Doctor—and she had died in battle, or so everyone back in her home universe thought.

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