Dark Lady

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Summary: Rose and Tentoo's attempt to build a life together in Pete's World takes a very dark turn.

Note: Post-Journey's End, Pete's World AU feat. Tentoo/Rose/Martha

Pairing: TenII/Rose Tyler, TenII/Martha Jones

Song: "Dark Lady" by Cher

Originally Published: 1 February 2014

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The fortune queen of New Orleans was brushing her cat in her black limousine.
On the backseat were scratches from the marks of men, her fortune she had won.
Couldn't see through the tinted glass, she said, "Home, James" and he hit the gas.
I followed her to some darkened room, she took my money, she said, "I'll be with you soon."

Dark lady laughed and danced and lit the candles one by one.
Danced to her gypsy music 'til her brew was done.
Dark lady played black magic 'til the clock struck on the 12.
She told me more about me than I knew myself.

Rose Tyler looked around her with wide eyes, enjoying the sight of New Orleans. As was the norm in Pete's World, zeppelins flew in the sky. There were more here in America than in London, if that were possible, but she wasn't paying much attention to the zeppelins. No, she was busy taking in the smells and sounds of the historic Louisiana city. The meta-crisis Doctor was walking with her, his hand holding hers and his gob going at a hundred miles an hour as he pointed out some building or other. Rose tried to pay attention, she really did, but after a few minutes she just let the words flow in one ear and out the other and just concentrated on the sound of his voice. It was rougher than her original Doctor's and occasionally some of Donna's mannerisms would peek through, but in mind and body he was identical to the Time Lord she'd fallen in love with—save for the fact he had one heart and a normal human lifespan. He'd explained to her that his physiology was mostly Gallifreyan with a few human quirks. She took that to mean he still had his Time Lord abilities, even though they were probably weakened due to him being part human.

A black limousine pulled up beside them, halting the Doctor's monologue. Rose and the Doctor watched curiously as the back passenger door opened to reveal . . .

"Martha?" the two said in unison, surprised.

She smiled and nodded slightly, her hand moving over the back of the cat in her lap. Rose, with a jolt of unease, noticed the cat's pelt was black. Yellow eyes stared back at her, and she swallowed. What was she thinking? She didn't believe in witchcraft anyway.

"Rose." Martha patted the space next to her. "Come on. I want to talk to you."

Rose hesitated, glanced back at the Doctor. Worry flashed in his eyes before he gave her a slight nod. He murmured, "I'll see you later."

Not altogether reassured, Rose slid into the backseat. She kept having to remind herself that this wasn't the Martha Jones she'd met briefly back in her home universe. This was an alternate Martha, though why she would live in New Orleans making a living as a infamous fortune teller known on the streets as the Dark Lady was anybody's guess.

At least she still had the English accent.

The windows were so tinted that Rose couldn't see the Doctor through them. She also noticed that the backseat was covered in scratches—maybe from the cat, maybe from something else.

"Home, James," Martha told the driver, and he hit the gas.

It never occurred to Rose that Martha knew her name when she hadn't told her. But then, why would it? She was the daughter of Pete Tyler—head of Vitex Industries—and leader of a Torchwood team. It was only natural that she be recognized.

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