A Rainy Night

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Summary: "It was a rainy night when he came into sight standing by the road with no umbrella, no coat. So I pulled up along side and I offered him a ride. He accepted with a smile, so we drove for a while. I didn't ask him his name, this lonely boy in the rain . . ." Or, the Doctor is lost in 2004 London at night, it's raining, the TARDIS is nowhere to be found, and he's picked up by a very-familiar blonde—except, she doesn't know who he is.

Notes: This is based off Heart's "All I Wanna Do Is Make Love to You." If you haven't heard it, listen to it. Now. 'Course, I've changed a few things from the song's storyline. The other three songs mentioned are "I Want To Know What Love Is" and "Urgent" by Foreigner and "Tonight" by Def Leppard. Wibbley wobbly timey whimey. Angst. Smut. Sort of a reunion fic. There's also a little twist at the end of a scene from The End of Time, Part Two.

Originally published: 9 June 2013

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It was a rainy night when he came into sight
Standing by the road, no umbrella, no coat
So I pulled up along side and I offered him a ride
He accepted with a smile, so we drove for a while
I didn't ask him his name, this lonely boy in the rain
Fate, tell me it's right, is this love at first sight
Please don't make it wrong, just stay for the night

All I wanna do is make love to you
Say you will
You want me too
All I wanna do is make love to you
I've got lovin' arms to hold on to

Not for the first time, the Doctor cursed the fact that he'd parked the TARDIS miles away and he was lost in London—which, given the fact he'd been here several times before, was ridiculous. If he had had a companion, he would have said that Time Lords did not get lost . . . but then, the TARDIS almost never took him to his intended destination. And to top this all off, it was nearly ten o'clock at night; it was raining; and he had no coat, mac, or umbrella. His messy brown hair—complete with sideburns—was flat against his head and his clothes—a suit shirt and blue trousers—were plastered to his tall, skinny body. Red Converse splashed water around his ankles so that he was now completely wet.

Headlights from passing cars reflected on the glistening asphalt; none of them showed any sign of stopping. One finally slowed and pulled over, stopping beside the Doctor. His head snapped up to see who was driving. The first thing he noticed was that it was a yellow Volkswagon Beetle; the second was the driver: Rose Tyler.

"You need a ride?" she asked with that oh-so-familiar tongue-in-cheek grin. But this was before she had ever met him in his ninth form (and therefore his current incarnation) . . . so was he being given a second chance? After all, he, coward that he was, had never told her how he felt about her. And, this way, he wouldn't be crossing his own timestream.

He forced himself to meet Rose's hazel-brown eyes, felt his lips twitch in a smile. It wasn't his usual maniac grin—far from it—but the passenger door unlocked and he slipped inside. Rainwater dripped from his hair, skin, clothes, and sneakers. "Thanks," the Doctor said finally. "Were you going anywhere? It's just, a young girl such as yourself shouldn't be out late. Well, unless you were with friends or clubbing—you were, weren't you? With that outfit, I'd say yes—unless you're a ho— No, that's not right. I'm rambling, aren't I?"

"Yeah," Rose said, the amusement heavy in her voice. She turned on the heater and the Doctor, eyes closed, reclined back in the seat, made a low throaty purr of contentment. The heat felt wonderful. "And for the record," Rose went on, "not that it's any of your business, but I wasout clubbing with my mates. What's it to you, anyway?"

The Doctor's mind raced, scrabbling for an answer. Telling her how he really knew her would be a very bad idea, considering that she'd never met him—it was too early in her timeline. So he answered, "Just concerned, that's all."

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