Paint It Black

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Note: Post-Waters of Mars AU feat. Dark!Ten. 

Summary: After realizing that the Laws of Time are his and he is the Time Lord Victorious, the Doctor decides to find a way into Pete's World and take what belongs to him.

Pairing: Ten/Rose

Warnings: Non-con. Dark.

Song: "Paint It Black" by The Rolling Stones

Originally published: 21 July 2013

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The Doctor gripped the TARDIS' console tightly, head reeling over seeing Ood Sigma. Where could he go now, now that his song was ending?

"No!" he yelled angrily, pulling down a lever. His timeship dematerialized and flew into the Time Vortex.

Adelaide had been wrong to lecture him about the Time Lord Victorious. He could do anything now—and there was no one to stop him. But what was the point of traveling the universe now? He'd lost Rose to the alternate universe and his metacrisis . . . and she had been the only one he'd ever loved.

Sometimes, he wondered why he didn't just let loose all his rage and fury.

I see my red door and I want it painted black.
No colors anymore, I want them to turn black.

There was nothing for him now. He'd lost Rose, Martha, Donna, and Jack—not to mention his own people. If only the interior of the TARDIS could change color to reflect his mood, because right then the Doctor wanted everything to turn black. No more colors. When he looked at the doors of the TARDIS he wanted them painted black as night, black as coal. Maybe it would make him feel better.

I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes.
I have to turn my head until my darkness goes.

A dark smirk curved his lips as he remembered Rose, Martha, and Donna's reactions to first being in the TARDIS—and what they'd been wearing. Donna had been in her wedding dress—he still didn't understand that one; Martha had worn a brown leather jacket, dark jeans, and a red blouse; and Rose . . . his Rose . . . had that blue leather jacket, purple shirt, black jeans. . . . Yeah, they'd all been wearing summer clothes, in a way.

The Doctor turned his head, studied the readings on the TARDIS' computer. "Ah, here we go." He engaged the landing, heard the familiar grinding noises as his ship materialized. Then he stepped out into what appeared to be a nightclub, Earth, circa 2005, one that ran to the darker edge of the imagination. Apparently this one specialized in vamps. Not his usual cup of tea, but right then he didn't care. There was nothing these wannabes could do to him anyway—he was the Time Lord Victorious with nothing to lose. And that made him dangerous, very dangerous. If they knew what he was, who he was, they wouldn't dare do anything to risk the wrath of the Oncoming Storm.

I see a line of cars and they're all painted black
With flowers and my love both never to come back.

The Doctor was feeling restless again so he moved through the crowd, noting the majority of patrons wore black. Fine by him, so long as none of them bothered him.

He stepped outside into the night, saw the line of parked cars. All of them appeared to be painted black, and he remembered how Rose was listed among the dead from the Battle of Canary Wharf. And, in a way, she was. He could never go back and retrieve her, not without ripping a hole in both universes.

His already-moody face darkened even further as he lost himself in memories.

Rose . . .

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