Comin' Under Fire

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Author's Note: Post-Girl in the Fireplace. This is one where the M rating kicks in.

Summary: After their encounter with Reinette, a jealous Rose decides to take matters into her own hands.

Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler

Song: "Comin' Under Fire" by Def Leppard

Originally Published: 13 October 2013

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Your kinda woman got a heart of stone,
But watch it break when I get you alone. . . .


The Doctor's hearts skipped a couple beats but he slowly turned to face Rose. He hadn't put that letter—Reinette's letter—in his pocket a moment too soon.

"Yeah, Rose?" His mouth twitched in a feeble attempt at a smile.

His blonde companion met his gaze and held it as she asked, "Were you really going to let her come on board the TARDIS with us?"

The Doctor didn't need to ask who Rose was referring to: he already knew. He nodded stiffly, a bit unsure as to why Rose was behaving as if she were . . . No, she couldn't be. Could she?

Shaking the thought off, he added, "She's always wanted to see the stars. Remind you of anyone?" He raised a single eyebrow at her as he leaned back against the console, arms crossed over his hearts.

Rose's cheeks flushed. "That was different."

"Not really. All he could have done was go stand outside."

Triumph flared in Rose's eyes. "Exactly. All Reinette had to do was stand outside and look up at the night sky, but no, you had to crush on her after seeing her—how many times?"

"Two words, Rose: Adam Mitchell."

"In case you'd forgotten"—When had she moved closer?—"that entire building was being filled with concrete. He was right there—"

"—and decided to save his own skin," the Doctor interrupted. "Then we kicked him out of the TARDIS."

That tongue-in-cheek smile was starting to form. "I wonder if anyone's found out about his implant yet." The smile faded. "But that's not the point, Doctor! You left us for five-and-a-half hours on that ship while you were off in 18th century France chasing after Reinette! We could have been there for five-and-a-half days or dead for all you knew!"

Guilt slammed into his chest. He hadn't thought about how much this would hurt his companion. "Rose, I'm—"

"You're what, Doctor?" Rose tilted her head, her tone suddenly flirtatious, a coy smile curving her mouth. Her hands found his shirt, toyed with one of the buttons near his throat.

"Sorry. I'm sorry for leaving you and Mickey."

Her whiskey-colored eyes were searching his as she raised herself on her toes. "You're gonna be," she breathed in his ear.

Wait, what?

Before he could ask her what she was doing, she had whirled him away from the console and was walking him backwards toward the nearest door.

Take a chance, come lay down with me.
Oh, I wanna make it!

He wanted to ask her where they were going, but something about the look in her eyes stopped him. It was possessive, territorial, saying mine. Oh, there was definitely something of the wolf about her.

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