Blood Runs Cold

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Note: Follow-up to Paint It Black, requested by MKY8 from FFnet. Dark!Ten AU.

Song: "Blood Runs Cold" by Def Leppard

Originally published: 21 November 2013

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From you love was kind.
Resolved, left scarred and blind.
Wasted and naked in the wings.

Denying twist of fate.
Demanding Heaven's gate.
Lying in way above the wind.

Strung out as the night comes calling,
Your halo of thorns is falling.

Blood runs cold.
I feel it in my bones.
But you don't know your time is up,
And blood runs cold.
Blood runs cold.
Blood runs cold.

When Rose came to, she was still on Bad Wolf Bay. The moon was directly overhead, so that said it was about midnight, and the TARDIS was gone.


She scrambled into a sitting position when she heard the familiar voice, then saw who it belonged to. "No!" she whimpered. "Keep back. Get away from me!"

"Rose, easy, it's just me!" He knelt down, concern in his dark eyes, fury tightening the lines around his mouth when he realized the state she was in. "What happened to you?" One of his hands reached out for her.

She flinched and shrank back. "Don't touch me, you son of a—"

"Rose, it's John. Me, John." He withdrew his hand, eased back. Only then did he really see the torn state of her clothing, the stark fear in her eyes, and humiliation on her face.

"Rose," the human meta-crisis Doctor, now known as John Smith, repeated through gritted teeth, "what happened to you?"

She wouldn't—couldn't—meet his gaze, and noticed something inside him clench as he took in her facial expression. "The Doctor," she said, voice barely audible. "He . . ." Rose stopped, swallowed hard, and tried again: "He—he raped me."


"He raped me."

Cold rage sank its teeth into John's heart and refused to relinquish its hold. "I'm going to kill him," he snarled.


Surprised at her outburst, he looked at her askance. "Rose, he—"

"He's gone," she whispered. "He left me. Again. And you can't kill him. How can you even kill a Time Lord?"

"That's not the point!" He just about stopped himself from yelling. "He raped you, Rose! He left you here to have a life with me, but no, now he—" John broke off and abruptly changed tactics. "We need to get you to Torchwood. They can run a rape kit. C'mon." He stood up, held out his hand.

Rose, after a few seconds hesitation, took it.


The Doctor, alone in the TARDIS and adrift in this universe's time vortex, kicked angrily at the console. He then proceeded to hop over to the jump seat and massage his foot. That hurt.

Not that he really regretted what he had done to Rose. It was more of the thought of how she would now view him that hurt. He could never fix that.

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