Sayori Bleu Jones Atlanta, Georgia NINE WEEKS LATER
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"GRANDMA!" i yelled walking into her room.
"Hey baby" she smiled looking up from her laptop. "How was work last night?" i asked getting on her bed laying down next to her.
"It was good. I helped this woman bring two twin girls to the world and then this one lady her baby's heart stopped for a little so that was a little scary" she replied. "That sounds scary".
"It is but i love my job" she shrugged.
"I feel like they work you to much i never see you anymore or anything" i frowned. "They need me and most parents request me as their nurse plus you be out with your friends" she told me "You're the one who encouraged me to make new friends" i huffed.
"no no, i love the fact that you have friends now. That makes me happy" she smiled. "Well i do miss spending time with you".
"I do miss spending time with you to but i would like you to keep spending time with your friends" she explained. "I like seeing you with that boy Kaizen too" she told me making me laugh.
"Don't laugh. What's going on with you guys?" i saw his car over here monday afternoon when i was leaving for work.
"nothing really. We're just friends" i told her as she eyed me a little. "mhm, okay. What are your plans for today?" she questioned closing her laptop "Uh nothing from that i know of" i answered.
"One day i'm going to take you and Gabby shopping. Isn't she supposed to be graduating soon?" she asked as i nodded "she's graduating next month on the 2nd".
"And what's today?" she questioned. "May 14th" i replied "Send her graduation date to my phone so i can make sure i call off that day" she told me as i got on my phone texting her the date and time.
"Where are you going?" I asked. "Work baby" she replied making me roll my eyes "i'm gonna call your job with a complaint on your work hours" i told her making her laugh.
"i like working. It keeps me busy".
"We'll i don't" i sighed feeling my phone flash from inside my pocket making me groan as i pulled it out . </333 🍯💕 would like to facetime...
"face softened up real fast, go ahead and answer that phone" my grandma laughed looking at me through the mirror.
"whatchu doing?" Slim asked once the call connected. "laying down in my grandma room, what are you doing?" i replied looking around his background, he was sitting in his car.
"nothing, you doing something today?" he asked.
"No my grandma going to work, Gabrielle an Quan went out of town for the weekend" i told him "pack a spendanight bag, you can spend the night over here if you want" He offered.