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Sayori Bleu Jones
Atlanta, Georgia

"Thank you so much to agreeing to come to lunch with us!" Sean said as i sat down in the seat across from them

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"Thank you so much to agreeing to come to lunch with us!" Sean said as i sat down in the seat across from them.

I didn't even really want to come to be honest, i was at home watching movies with Poppa but now i'm here eating lunch. I only came because he suggested i come talk to them.

"your welcome"i smiled lightly picking up my menu looking through it.

"How have you been? What's up? We haven't seen each other ima while" Khloe asked as i sat down my menu.

"I've been .. living. I just got my own house, i'm in college now. Just taking online classes so i don't have to travel to the school" i answered "How about you guys?".

"I've been great actually. We've been working on furnishing our house and closing lose ends" Sean replied, i nodded. "Do you have any questions? I know the last time we spoke you were a bit upset so is there anything we can clerify?" Khloe questioned as the waitress came.

"Are you guys ready to order?" she asked, we all nodded "Okay what would you like.."

Once the waitress took our orders she left. "Okay back to the subject any questions?" Sean repeated "um yes actually. You said you owed him almost a million dollars okay. Why did you take the money in the first place? Why did you even need it?".

"I- Well a little after you turned 3 years old, me and your dad had broke up. I ended up talking to someone else and his name was Vincent and he was.. well he ran the drug empire" Khloe told me mumbling the last few sentences.

"okay??? And what else?".

"Well, he asked me to set up this guy Leon and because i wanted to be with him i agreed. I didn't really want to go through it but i had to, he was a ruthless man and he'd hit me before so there was no way i was gonna tell him no" she explain pausing to make sure i understood before continuing on.

"Yadda yadda, i went and tried to set him up but i failed. I failed miserably actually. He knew what was going on within the first 5 minutes, i just didn't know. While i was still trying to seduce him he had people outside that had killed Vincent so once he was dead he told me i had to pay him in order for me too live".

"You had to pay that man almost a million dollars in order for him to allow you to live?" i asked she nodded. " he gave me 2 years to gather the money so i could pay him back. Those 2 years was hell on earth".

"He had came to your preschool before and played with you. He followed Holly to and from church he even shot up your bedroom thinking you were in there" Sean sighed shaking his head.

"Which is why you sent me to my grandmas house?".

"Exactly why. After the threats started to come in more  and more often we sent you to Hollys house and went to work for him till we could pay off our debt" Sean answered.

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