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                     Kaizen Delvon Riley
Atlanta, Georgia

                     Kaizen Delvon Riley                         Atlanta, Georgia

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"You and lil bit got sum going on na?" Bando asked as i passed him the blunt .


"nah" .

"Why you gots ta lie craig! Why you gots ta lie!" Quan mocked. "Why would you say we got sum going on ina first place?" i asked as bleu texted me.

lil bit🤍: can you uber eats me some food please?
</333🍯💕: whatchu want ?
lil bit 🤍: mcdonald's, the usual .

"nigga are you even listening to us?" Quan asked as i sent bleu the order confirmation.

"na what chu was saying?".

"why y'all ain together ? youn even go ta the club wid us no more" Bando said making me mug him. "Neither does Quan".

"That's cus Gabby don't play that shit" Quan mumbled. "I still can't believe you and gabby was together onna low" Bando said as i nodded "na fr, couldn't even tell".

"that's cus they ass both liars, be lying wid a straight face on"bando added.

"na we just wasn't sure on what we had forreal" he told us "Heard you" i mumbled. "And who det girl we been hearing you running round wid?" Quan asked bamdo .

"What girl?" he asked as Money walked through the door, we was at the trap since we had made a drop earlier and was waiting on Money to come by and drop our money off.

"Det Layla guh" Money said throwing us the bags.

"Oh ha, ain shit just a quick fuck" he shrugged. "Keep on doing dat shit and gon ended up wid a baby" Money said sitting on the couch with us.

He was only like 30 sum and still tried to kick it with us.

"Don't wish that negative energy on me nigga. Ion want no damn gremlins"Bando told him making them laugh. "but whea my niece at" Money asked as everybody looked over me at me.

the fuck ?

"what?" i asked mugging them.

"nigga the streets talk. I know y'all been kicking it togetha" he told me as i shrugged. "fuck the streets and fuck whatchu heard" i mumbled "You ain answer my question" he repeated.

"she at home" i answered.

"told y'all they had sum going on" Quan said dapping up Bando and Money "Yeah whatever, ima fuck witchall" i mumbled dusting myself off before getting up.

"Yeah igh be safe nigga" Money said "Niggas know wassup wimmie".

Getting in the car i started it up just as my phone started ringing in my pocket.
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