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                        Sayori Bleu Jones

                        Sayori Bleu Jones                         Atlanta,Georgia

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"Giovanni stop that!" i laughed as he kept dry humping me.

I was trying to pack up my stuff so we could go to my grandma house for her birthday party. She had booked an airbnb house for the party since her house didn't have enough rooms for all of us to stay in plus she didn't want a lot of people at her house.

"Yo ass getting big bae" he told me as he started rubbing on my coochie through my shorts, i quickly moved making him laugh. He always was trying to have sex with me right after i got my hair done or right before we had to going somewhere.

"un un, we're gonna be late" i shook my head walking out the closet, going over to my bed with him right behind me. "So.. you beautiful as fuck" he shrugged making me smile "Thank you, your ready?" i asked zipping up my bag.  "Yeah, i packed up last night. I'm waiting on you" he answered pointing over to his bag by the door.

"You done packing now?" he questioned picking up my bag.

"Yeah i'm coming, Gabby nem already there" i nodded grabbing my phone and purse before following him out the room making sure to turn off the light.

Walking over to the fridge i grabbed a water bootle and hurried out the door before he started rushing me out the house.

"Can i drive the car?" i asked walking over to the car. "Un un, you drive like a crazy lady" he answered "no i don't! please ?" i frowned he smacked his teeth "mmcht, don't crash my shit Sayori" he told me passing me the keys, i smiled.

"i'm not" i mumbled waking over to the passenger side getting in and closing the door as he got in.

"Your seat is mad far back" i said moving it up before buckling it up. "Na yo ass just short a lil ass midget" he laughed reclining his chair back as i pulled off. "How far is the airbnb anyway?" he asked "a good 30 to 45 minutes away" i responded , hearing him connect his phone to the bluetooth.

"Why haven't i heard this before?" i asked as his intro started playing "You always send me your unreleased music" i frowned. "Ian send it ta you because it's about you shordy" he smiled turning up the song.

"'Cause I fuck with you the long way that's why I keep my distance

So baby don't take it personal every time I go miss it Before I'm able to have it by my side it FaceTime kisses

And I know that you listening but I hope that you feel me baby'Cause these niggas wanna kill me

Come ride with baby I want you to feel me
Before you hope in is you down to slide with me Before you buckle up girl is you down to die with me You know my loyalty with us don't ask me 'bout no side bitches

Baby I want you to trust I know it's hard with how I'm living Can I depend on you to bust if them niggas come try and get me?

No it ain't all about a nut I wanna tell you my wishes
When you ain't here I'm thinking 'bout us I'm sending FaceTime kisses"

Turning the song down he smiled at me "I like this song" i told him as he smiled "i appreciate it mamas".

45 minutes later

"I'm here grandma!" i yelled walking into the house.

"Hey my sweet girl!" she smiled walking over and giving me a hug once she seen me. "Hey ma" Giovanni said giving her a hug as well "How have you been sir? I haven't seen much of you lately" she asked, i grabbed our bags from out of his hands walking up the stairs searching for our room.

"Lil bit!" I heard a voice say from behind me followed by someone on my back making me drop the bags.

"Gabby!" i smiled embracing her in a hug once she got off my back. "I missed you so much!" i told her letting her go "I missed you too girly! Come on let me show you where you're room is" she told me grabbing one of the bags off the ground.

Gabby had been traveling since her and Quan went to the Dominican Republic. Gone for two entire months, she said they went to Greece, Bali and the Maldives so i really missed her.

"This one is yours we're down the hall, Bryson and Grandma are downstairs" she said opening the door walking into the room. "Bando is here too?" i asked; she nodded "yes he's here with his girlfriend Ayanna but they hadda go to the store for sum".

"Oh she's nice, we've hung out a few times not that much though" i mumbled putting our bags into the closet.

"Smoking a blunt with Money outside by the pool, there grilling for later when everybody starts to get here" she answered "Everybody?" i raised my eyebrows "no, we're the only ones staying the night. I meant the party" she explained.

Nodding in response i grabbed my phone out my bag and sat down on the floor while Gabby sat down in the chair across from me.

"How was it? all that traveling?" i asked. "it was great, i enjoyed every part of it! Next time i go on a trip like that your coming with me" she answered smiling widely "i'm glad you liked it! I want a niece!". "Gir- No. Im good on kids for right now. I just want to travel and enjoy life with my man" she shook her head.

"Awe! How sweet. I understand" i smiled.

I loved seeing her happy. Seeing her happy was all i ever wanted to see, she deserved everything and more.

"I'm about to go though. I need to make sure they're actually out there cooking and not letting that food burn" she mumbled getting off the chair and walking out the door as Gio walked inside.

"Bae you good?"he asked closing the door after him. "Yes, i'm fine. Just a little hungry but Gabby went to go check on the food" i replied standing up off the floor and going into the bathroom turning on the shower.

Stripping out of my clothes i put on my bonnet and got in the shower letting the water cover my body before i started washing .

"bae why you ain tell me you was gonna get in the shower ?" i heard Gio ask from the other side of the shower. "because i'm hot and sticky plus you always be tryna have sex everytime we get in the shower" i answered adding more soap to my loofa.

"well i don't care you fine as fuck so duh" he replied followed by the door sliding open and him coming in. "Really?"i laughed as he smiled closing the door.

"We're not having sex here while my grandma here" i told him as i started rinsing off facing towards the water.

"ou bae yo ass getting bigger, dem back shots really doin sum" he said slapping my butt making me jump.

"Giovanni!" i huffed. "Stop that" .

"it is bae! It jiggle too" he said rubbing on my booty and moving his hand down toward my coochie.  "Un un no" i shook my head moving up, he smacked his teeth.

"please bae. just the tip!"

"just the tip".

Don't be a ghost reader 🖤.

i really forgot all about this update tbh , sorry y'all <3333.



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