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                        Atlanta, Georgia

"I'm here, tell me what's wrong. Talk ta me ".

"My grandma, she has cancer" Sayori cried into his arms as he rubbed her back.

"I don't want her to die on me, Gio. I want her to be around forever" Bleu sniffled feeling him pick him her up.

They were still outside and it was getting cold so he carried her into the house.

"Why do you believe she's going to die? You don't think she can beat it?" He asked carrying her into the room laying down in the bed letting her straddle him.

"I do believe she can beat it, she's the strongest lady. She's all i have, she means the world to me so what if she can't beat it?" Sayori replied getting comfortable.

"Does she think she can beat it?" He asked she nodded in response trying not to cry.

"If she believes she can beat it, then you need to keep the same mindset she has. She's going to need a strong support system and you are apart of that system"He explained rubbing his hands on her thighs she nodded. "I know, but i feel like every-time my life starts to go good something bad happens" Bleu frowned.

"What's else is bothering you?".

"I feel bad. Kaizen baby died and his baby mother died. I don't feel bad for him but i feel bad that i feel bad for him. He hurt me, he lied to me, he left me" Sayori huffed. "And yet i still feel bad for him".

She didn't like Kaizen at all, but she didn't like that she felt bad for him losing his baby and his baby mother in one day. That's what annoyed her; he wished death on her and yet she still felt bad.

"That's just who you are ma, you feel bad even for the people who did you wrong" Giovani told her as he admired her facial features and appearance. "I wish i could change who i am" she muttered lowly but he shook his head.

"Don't say that".

"But i do! I hate having the heart i have. It's like i'm a rug everybody walks all over me and doesn't even ask about how i feel".

"I care, your bestfriend care, your grandma care" .

"I know, but st- No. Your perfect just the way you are. I like you for who you are" He interrupted making her smile looking away from him. "If you like me for who i am does that mean you would like me if i was deaf ?" she asked as he laughed nodding his head "prettiest deaf girl out".

"Awe stink stink, you like me forreal!" She cheesed reaching down kissing him all over his face.

Sayori was starting to see herself falling for him. She liked him a lot and really didn't want to get her feelings played with anymore. She knew that she couldn't handle another heartbreak.

On the other hand, Giovanni was already obsessed with her. He liked the way she acted, how she talked, her personality, the way she carried herself. In his eyes she was everything that he'd ever need.

"I like everything about you girl" he told her wrapping his hand around her next and giving her a kiss as  he slipped his other hand under her shirt rubbing up and down her bare back.

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