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"FAVVV!!!" "UNCLEE!!" i heard Benji and Amira yell as they ran out the airport.
"I missed you!" Amira said giving me a hug as benji grabbed my leg. "wassup big B" i smiled picking him up "Uncle ! I'm 4 nie" he told me holding up 4 fingers "more like 21" Amira mumbled.
"where Dontae?" i asked noticing he wasn't behind em, Dontae was her husband.
"He had to stay behind for something" she answered: i nodded. "Come on so i can take y'all to the house" i said opening my car door "Wait we have to buy him a car seat because i didn't bring his with me" she told me. "we can go get one at walmart".
"Where is the girl?" Amira asked getting in the car.
"what?" i scrunched my face up.
"the girl you told me about" she answered. "Oh lil bit? she out with her grandma" i replied "that's her name ? lil bit?" i shook my head.
"nah her name Sayori" i answered. "i'm gonna stick to lil bit" she mumbled "Call her lil bit of bleu" i told her "Blue? as in the color?" she asked "yes but no it's B-l-e-u" i corrected.
"ou okay, when can i meet her?".
"later on today maybe if she come ova after she leave her grandma house" she nodded.
"What about my boys ? Bando, Quan and Gabby?" she asked. "they at the house waiting on you now" i replied "mhm, i'm ready to meet this girl" she smiled nudging my arm a little "don't start that shit" i laughed.
"She better be pretty cus i internet stalked the shit outta your account to see if i could find her and i didn't" she huffed. "i knew you would do some shit like that after i told you bout her" i said she shrugged "why youn post her?" she asked "y'all are dating correct?".
"no we aren't" i shook my head. "i post her on my story but not my page. That's about me if somebody wanted to see what she look like they'll go to her page" i mugged.
"mmtch. What's taking you so long to ask her out?" she asked as i sighed.
here she go with all these questions.
"Taking my time" i shrugged.
"GUESS WHO'S BACK!" Amira yelled opening the front door as i held benji who was sleeping.
"My girlfriend back!" Bando said running over to her giving her a hug "you too young fa me Bando and you know this" she laughed but he just shrugged moving out the way so Gabby and Quan can hug her.
Walking past them i went up to one of extra bedrooms laying benji down in the bed i had to put back up since i said the could stay over.
Laying him down in the bed i put they suitcases and stuff down before walking back downstairs seeing them all engaged in they own conversations.