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"igh nie what's wrong ma?" Poppa asked looking over at me as he took off his chains.
I had finally stopped crying about 10 minutes before poopa came over from the studio and i haven't said a thing since he walked through the door.
"Nothing's wrong, i just had a long day and i'm really tired" i lied getting comfortable under my cover.
"That ain it, what's really wrong. You been crying why?" he asked walking over towards the bed sitting down next to me. "Talk to me so i can know how to help you mama" he sighed grabbing my chin so he could get a better look at my face "i know your not really tired".
"Its kaizen" i mumbled looking away from him.
"What did he do? He was here? What did he do that gotchu crying?" He asked grabbing my face again. "He called me earlier asking me who got me those gifts because i posted the gifts you gave me on my instagram. He told me i was worthless, i should die, he said that he d- didn't even love me" i answered letting a tear fall.
"I- C'mere" Poppa told me opening his arms as i sat up wrapping my arms around him letting my tears fall.
"How can someone you loved keep hurting you over and over again" i cried as he rubbing my back "he's acting like i'm the worst thing ever, am i really?" i sniffled.
"no, no you aren't ma. Your perfect just the way you are. Don't let some bitch ass nigga get in your head making you question your worth" Poppa told me lifting my face up looking me in the eyes.
"Your not the worst thing ever ma. Your what most of these girls wanna be; your smart, you got your own bankroll, you got something for yourself hell you pretty as fuck with a beautiful soul" he said wiping my tears away kissing my forehead. "He ain't deserve you ma".
"I just don't feel like it anymore" I frowned but he shook his head. "You are everything and more and don't let yourself think differently" he said kissing my forehead.
"Tomorrow i'ma take you out so you can get cho mind off this"He told me.
"i really d- aht aht we going somewhere i'll figure it out later. I'm finna get in the shower and then we can lay down and watch whatever movies you want" he said standing up going over to his bag grabbing some clothes. "Okay".
Once he went into the bathroom i stood up from the bed going into the kitchen grabbing a packet of popcorn.
"It's not it worth Sayori, it's not it worth Sayori, it's not worth it Sayori" I repeated placing the popcorn packet in the microwave.
"You picked out your movie?" Poppa asked laying down in the bed pulling me closer to him. "yeah, Lovely Bones. Supposedly it's a sad movie and i've never watched it" i answered passing him the bowl of popcorn, since i originally made it for him.