The job

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Hunter's point of view.

I can hear yelling from his office it's not loud enough to that i can hear what they are yelling about "WHAT... is happening in there!?" I mumble to myself, i walk from side to side in the hallway all worried about that there have or might happen something bad to her in there argh... cant take it! "Your worried for your little lady?" The others make fun of me yet they dont tell her I'm grateful for that but god! Sometimes i rly wanna punch them in their already ugly faces "shut up... she isn't MY lady!" I shout back. Yet i actually really wish she was mine, i get ripped out of my thoughts when the door opens.

Ella comes out looking pissed although i still have to ask "what happened... how did it go?!" I ask trying to act cool so she don't figure how worried I've been feeling "it did go VERY... great!" She growl walking pass me not even looking at me, something happened something bad i follow her "where are you going Ella? wait!" I say all confused ok... i dont even get an answer though i keep following her as she stops i barely manage to dodge so i dont walk into her "i have a job for us" she says i look around noticing she have leaded us to the room where we have all out weapons.

I walk inside "ok I'm listening!" I say feeling a smile taking form on my face she raise her head to look at me "come lets get the weapons and tools we need the info should be send to me soon enough" she says going to the back getting the fun tools as i find the usual weapon i use. I consider to ask if she is fine and what happened but it'll probably make things worser so that must wait i hear a loud BLING... from her phone Ella take it up and find the information there got sended to her "here think quickly" she says throwing the phone i grab it while i hear a little giggle slipping from her throat. I take a look at the screen scanning the info fast "hmmm... catching them get some answer and finish them of don't sound hard to me!" I say like it doesn't matter.

We get the rest we need i take a last look on the information as my body stiffens a bit "are you coming or what...?" I hear her ask but i just standing there "Ella you know that its our own people right? Why does he want us to attack them..." i say wondering why he want us to do that well there could be many reasons but which one "i dont know and i dont care as long as we get payed then I'm fine with it!" She growl at me giving me a death stare, if such a look could kill then I'll be dead by now.

Ella's point of view.

We both run out to the car the one who comes first drive i know it's childish but it's just Hunter's and my thing, unluckily for me he comes first "not fair I'm carrying all the heavy stuff!" I say laughing but whatever we get the things in the luggage room "lets get going!" He say with a smirk getting into the driver's seat i get in the passenger seat Hunter start the car and speed way to much up "H-Hunter!? Slow down pls you know i dont like when you drive so fast" i say whining. He laugh slowing down the car "the location pls?" He ask i nod and set the GPS then the silence went in its nice yet not really cause the silence before a war a battle or whatever you wanna call it can be nice but also terrible.

Hunter parks the car like hundred meter away from the warehouse where out targets are supposed to be in, i look at him "come lets get this over with shall we?" I ask getting out of the car walking behind it to open the luggage room. I grab the 54 black star and some small knifes while Hunter takes a sniper rifle out setting it together, i see a hand in front of me "here take it in your ear so we can communicate with each other!" He says i take it set it in my ear and turn it on "tell me when your in your position!" I say disappearing into the warehouse.

I hide behind some boxes hearing voices they aren't loud enough to that i can hear them or how many they are, i have to get closer just a little bit but i can not do it i must wait cause if i choose to then it might ruin the whole mission "I'm in position now!" I nearly scream when i hear Hunters voice but manage to hold it in. I sigh "god... you gave me a shock thank god that i didn't scream" i say still considering to sneak closer "how many can you see?!" I ask, their footsteps become louder i hide behind more boxes but now able to hear what they say "i have the information about Ella that you asked for!" One of them say my eyebrows raise quickly info about me? What does they want with me? "Good hand them over now!" Wait that voice is familiar its my fiancé Zeth.

I hear a pistol click one of them is aiming don't know at who "give us what you own first then we hand it over!" They say at the same time "throw a smoke granate now!" I say, the granate hit the floor with a loud noise rolling around "its a fucking GRANATE!? Run" one of them scream. The smoke finally begin to come out and i cover my nose running out knocking them out one after another, then last one manage to block my kicks "dont think you can knock me out you little bitch!" He yell.

I turn around trying once again to knock him out by a kick but it gets blocked suddenly out of no where a gun hit his head knocking him out for sure "thanks Hunter!" I say grateful he nods at me "lets get them tied down before they wake up again!" He say disappearing out of the warehouse to find the rope we need plus the tools as well.

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