Starting today

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Ella's point of view.

My dearest god that blender makes to much noise I can sure tell you that I'm not a morning person at all I RLY! mean it, I'm that kind of person who can sleep all day, just a little warning dont talk to me before i have  gotten my morning coffee cause if u do then i probably tear your head off before you can say good morning. So my fucking morning alarm chose not to ring this morning, i'm pretty late Aiden will tear my head off if I do not hurry. While the blender does its work with the fruit and berries to make my smoothie or whatever you want to call it, I fumble with my clothes and as clumsy as I am I of course slip into a fucking clothes pile and end up on the floor "FUCKING... Hell that hurts!" I whine, exactly I know exactly what you're thinking come now hurry up!am I not right? I finish getting my clothes on pouring my smoothie into a bottle and hurry out of my apartment.

I run through the hallways past the others "well you are rly late beautiful!?" I can hear one of the others yell out to me "shut up!" I snarl "or what are you hitting me maybe!" he laughs flabbergasted and showing his biceps, I ignore them and start running. Suddenly I am pulled aside "argh!" A hand covers my mouth what the hell? You're probably thinking the same thing as me, what the hell's going on. I stab the person an elbow in the head and I'm free from his grip "what the hell your jerk!" I say looking up and spot Hunter.

He has a nice flabby smile glued to his lips, okay that expression I've never seen it before "what the hell Hunter?" I say  "in fact, even lending you it only takes a moment!" He says with a flirtatious undertone. What the hell is going on with him? He does not tend to be like that "no Hunter! Unfortunately it has to wait Aiden has called for me and I'm already pretty late for it so I have to hurry!" I snarl at him.

Hunters expression change to annoyance "Ella! I mean it only takes a moment now come on trust me!" He says and the flirtatious undertone is back again, "NO Hunter! It has to wait" I snort even more annoyed than before I push him away twisting me free from his grip once again and run to Aiden's office. His * bodyguards * open the door shows me permission to go inside and i do so he sits at his table playing with a pencil "you know very well that you're late?!" Aiden says very annoyed but with a playful undertone in his voice "I do shamelessly I know very well that I come to late but I was stopped by someone and therefore I have come to late!" I snarl.

He gets up from his chair walks around the table and crosses his arms over his chest "what I would talk with you about is your mission, I have some information you would probably be very interested in!" Aiden playfully says tilting his head, as if he to imply that he wants to kiss me "Information you say huh? So I strongly assume that they can be very useful for my mission" I mumble very annoyed "what's wrong Ella?" He asks wondering with a slightly worried undertone I shake my head in response. Excuse me what's wrong with everyone here on the site first changing Hunter's behavior and now Aiden's what the hell is going on here.

As if this morning can not get worse than it already is you sit safely and think it can get any worser Yes I know that damn well! But I can tell you if it just gets a little more worse I scream "Are you sure Ella? Because you do not seem to be okay!" Aiden asks. I get torn out of my thoughts by his voice "Aiden when I say I'm fine, then I mean it!" I snarl, he looks worried at me stepping closer while I do the opposite stepping backwards but as clumsy as I am now I stumble across my own fucking! Feet.

A strong arm lies around my waist Aiden's gaze meets mine "uhm... thank you Aiden!" I mumble a burning sensation spreads across my cheeks, a confident smile shows up on his lips while he move closer to my ear "it was a little beautiful then!" Aiden flirtatious whispers. It shudders down my back my blush gets even worse the playful tone in his voice is so sexy I do not know why but it's just is he plants small wet kisses down my throat "hm hmm! Aiden S-stop!" I mumble in between my moans. Thank God he helps me all the way up and lets go of the grip around my waist.

I stand completely stunned not quite knowing if I should just walk or stay! "Well back to the topic I send the information to you, or do you also want it in writing?" He says seriously, the seductive tone and flirtatious behavior has completely disappeared in gods the boy has mood swings like a pregnant woman has "I want both thanks!" I answer coldly and get my facade put up again. Aiden nods briefly, reaches down into a drawer and pulls an envelope out of it, I receive it and walk towards the door "wait a minute! Ella" he says in a slightly raised voice I turn around "remember what I said yesterday YOU! belong to me and only me no one else! Understood? " He says, the pessimistic tone that is in his voice makes it run cold down my spine.

I do not say no to him but instead roll my eyes if I bother another discussion with him at least not today when I open the door but end up stumbling out instead as I again forgot that his bodyguards open the door however I regain my balance and continue my turn towards the end. I ignore everything and everyone just moves on in my own little world, I feel a hand on my shoulder and AGAIN! Being Torn aside.

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