Want to get away

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Hunter's point of view.

Since I found out that Aella has a fiancé I have not been able to stop the inner anger in my body, why did I not hit earlier no, no no! I can 't damn well relate to that she's already mine I want her to understand that I love her. But how do I do that? Can you maybe come up with some ideas for how, my feelings are some mess my craving for her grows for every day that fucking goes I can soon not hold it back or hold it out anymore.

I have to find her right now! I head for the arrogant boss of mines office, suddenly a glimmer of dark hair and a short girl hits my gaze BINGO! There she is I set up my confident smile holding the facade up the best I can. She walk pass me ignoring s everything and everyone even me!? The feeling of sadness hits me hardly. I grab her by the arm pulling her a side where no one can see us "what the hell! Let me go" she snarls, my smile grows even bigger.

Her gaze drills into mine, oh god I love when Ella looks at me like that she's so hot especially when she's angry "Hunter what do you want!? Say it because I have a job to do..." she mumbles with a undertone of despair. What happened in there? he made her sad somehow I'm 100% sure of it "I just have to lend you a moment, she opens her mouth dry to say something but I stop her by laying my lips against hers, My grip tightens around her waist, my tongue lets her lips part and slide into her mouth our tongues hit each other and she kisses back, she KISS me fucking!

I lay my hand behind her neck pushing her harder against my body, my tongue plays with hers finally Aella she knows how I feel for once I have shown it to her! But what if she just played with me? With my feelings? No stop thinking like that i... suddenly I feel an extreme pain and can taste blood. She bit me! I step back chocked Ella lifts her hand swings it towards my cheek, another kind of pain spreads but this time on my cheek "what the hell is wrong with you !?" She shouts I look into her eyes they are flooded with tears that just roll down one after the other "Ella I! I ..." I mumble taking a step towards her "NO Hunter! Do not say you have feelings for me !? " She sobs, turns around and leaves me standing there all alone what have I done.

Ella's point of view.

I do not know where I am running toward but what matters to me right now is that I have to get awayFrom Hunter from Aiden from the fucking! Whole mafia I wipe tears away my sight is blurred by the next tears that are ready to roll down my cheeks before I can look around I bump into something I land on the ground my gaze lands on the person it is not someone I know  "It was not my intention to bump into you!" I answer faster than I can think. The unknown person reaches down to me smiling his hand as a sign that he will help me up, I smile gently back accept it and get pulled up and stand he pulls me all the way to me so far in that he can whisper something into my ear.

I'm stiff as a board for some reason I can not touch a single muscle "is fine dont worry but see you soon again!" Says he looks me deep into my eyes lets go and walks away his passing around a corner. I'm running around the corner he's nowhere to be seen "what the hell?!" I mumble and curse myself far far away.

I set my course for my apartment my job must be over even though I want to get away from the hole where everyone is clammy stutterers! Or pretty much idiots who have no brains, Why did I end up there in the first place? The last thing I can remember is that I was with Zeth... and then I woke up in a room with a young handsome man. when I found out he was my boss I was happy until I found out he was an arrogant asshole.

When do you know what? I think I choose to pack some things take somewhere where they can not exactly find me or I hope they can not, my biggest wish is to be able to live the normal life I once had before they kidnapped me separated me from my fiancé who is now in my boss's enemy mafia group. I unlock my apartment, go in, pick up a bag, start packing the things I need for my job and some clothes you know normal stuff a girl need, All of a sudden I get the feeling of that someone is watching me... I turn around and everything turns black.

My head FUCK... it hurts! "Hmmf hmm argh!" I emit dissatisfied sounds opening my eyes I have something over my head a black sack or something maybe blindfold who knows...? I also have something in my mouth that stops me from talking where am I? A door is opened steps is heard it is not only one who enters but two or three people. Whatever it is I have over my head being pulled off  the light is sharp it takes some time for my eyes to turn to what I was right it was three people two recognize the first one was him I bumped into earlier but the OTHER! Is Zeth what the hell I've been kidnapped how have they found me.

Hi little ones sry
For taking so long to
Publish a new chapter
I hope u likes it


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