The recording

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Aiden's point of view.

"Where's she!?" I shout out frustrated, I have called her at least! A hundred times but... she does not answer and Ella usually answers at the first ring "we have searched everywhere there is no trace of her, but we found this" one of my men says and holds out an envelope. I take it, noticing that it's Zeth's father's seal. I open the envelope taking pictures out of it that are of Ella "GET OUT RIGHT NOW!" I hiss as they all rush out of my office I open the card and start reading.

Just look what I found! A pretty young girl as a spy in my mafia
I know you sent her but why, as you can see via the pictures, she do
Not feel so good but no one can go unpunished from here or maybe not even
Alive. Luckily for you she will not speak but I will probably get information
Out of your little pretty girl.

I can just sense his smug laugh I should probably get her back, I put the card on the table with the pictures spread out so I can see her, I massage my temples THINK! Aiden THINK! "Okay I need to find the best men I have" I mumble and look out the window at the beautiful view. I'm torn out of my thoughts as the door slams open into the wall with a bang "BOSS! Someone wants to see you" he says breathlessly "he has to fuck off! I have more important things to take care of... " I snarl waiting for an answer" you will not send an old friend away will you...!? " it Sounds like a familiar voice. I sigh heavily looking up at him "Zeth ... what do you want from me this time ?!" I ask as coldly as possible, I turn around and look at one of my men who came in when he finally grasps the point, he leaves me with the bastard of Zeth "I see you got the pictures!" He says with a twinkle in his eye as if to say he is having fun.

I sit down at my desk, turn the chair over and look him coldly in the eyes, he thinks Aella is a weakness for me! As in not at all... excuse me?! she is and you know that very well argh! Shut up "what exactly should I use those pictures for?" I ask with an expressionless mine Zeth raises an eyebrow "isn't she your best assassin?" He asks with a cheeky smile, ASSHOLE! Keep calm do not let yourself be influenced "I can always get myself a new one, have so many in advance so why should it be a problem ?!" I ask with a poker face. Zeth strikes up a loud laugh what the hell is so funny! "Okay then I'll probably make good use of her thanks for the gift Aiden!" Does he say flat out laughing, thank you for the gift? Zeth walks towards the door I let him walk out Ella is not a gift i will get her back one way or the other.

Zeth's point of view.

Aiden LIES! I know he does care for her, he loves her and has always done so if you wonder. Ella, Aiden and I childhood friends we have known each other as long as I know her and as you already know Ella and I are engaged but are divorced. .. I get into the private car that has been waiting all the time "drive back shake those who follow!" I say hard, my driver nods and pushes the accelerator to the bottom. I reach into my pocket and fish a tape recorder up in my hand the whole conversation was recorded, it MUST! Playing for her uhf! Eella's reaction will be worth gold it must be recorded on video and sent back to Aiden also he will with guarantee reveal himself. The car stopper steps out and goes straight to the room she is in "ARGH! ARGH!" there is someone screaming in pain a woman Ella! Fuck no I'm so close to run but stop myself they must not discover it no they must not know nope! You can both be killed or worse... you're right I put up an expressionless facade and open the door with sweaty shaking hands.

The sight that meets me is not pretty not at all pretty Jake whips her with a nine-tailed whip blood running down her body... "TALK! Ella TALK! You can keep being silent for much longer we both know that" He hisses, I can see a small shake on her head "N-no... i will not talk  she mumbles tears running down her cheeks. All that torture... pain... the violence... we have inflicted on her and she still refuses, always so loyal Ella never change. I walk towards Jake, he look towards my direction "OUT NOW...!" I say hard, as the door has been closed I throw the whip from me taking the voice recorder up out of my pocket. I grab her jaw, making eye contact "Ella listen carefully now!" Say I letting go of her jaw and start recording that i made earlier.


A: and what should I use those pictures for?!
Z: Isn't she your best assassin?
A: yes but I can always get a new one, I have so many anyway so that should be no problem!
Z: okay! Then I'll probably make good use of your little pretty girl, thanks for the gift Aiden...!


Judging by her facial expression, I was right, I get up, turn off the recorder Aella looks shocked and looks like someone who is on the verge of crying, her reaction says everything and i want so badly to tell her that he only acted but the problem as you know is that i can't do that cause she is my enemy and hostage.

hi little ones
New chapter out i
Hope u like it dont
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