The right methode?

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Ella's POV.

my head damn! "hmf ... hmf! fuck it hurts" I mumble between clenched teeth, I open my eyes and dazzle my sight cause of the fucking light is so bright. as my eyes slowly get used to the light, I let my gaze glide around the room "where the hell am I ?!" I mumble with wondering eyes do not ask me... is completely blank it is bright... wait a little LIGHT! how long have I been away? "Let me out you damn asshole!" I shout snarling. silence... okay he's obviously going to ignore me what an idiot, my gaze searching down the ropes and not chaining why though? rope is a hundred times easier to get out of maybe he also wants me to give it a try. the door gets slammed into the wall my body stiffens from pure shock Jake and Zeth come walking in with their oh.... So confident steps.

Jake is standing in one of the corners of the room I can feel Zeth's eyes drilling through my body and bones some papers are being thrown on the table "I think we  finally have found the right method to crack you and get what we want!" he says with a smug smile I raise an eyebrow "and what should that method be...?" I mumble. he unfolds the papers which now show many pictures of one and the same person "him...! we have had an eye get you for a long time so we could strike at the right time and take it back which belongs to us and you have always been together with him!" he says harshly, he makes it sound personal almost as if he is jealous.

I snort "aaaww are you jealous...?" If I ask the flabby, jake looks confused at Zeth the pieces should probably soon fall into place just calm down "shut up! He is your weakness, now do not think I'm stupid Ella ..." he says and laughs a little while we send each other kills glances "wait a minute ... just come with me Zeth!" Jake says and pulls him over to one of the corners of the room, suddenly Jake breaks out in laughter and looks at me "ah okay! Then I understand better" he says laughing and stares at me hungry as if I were a piece of cake he just cannot wait to eat. A hand is knocked down on the table and I stiffen from shock pain spreading into my body "we should probably get what we want from you!" He growled.

Jake loosens the ropes and puts handcuffs around my joints pulling me up standing "come let's get her in there..." he mumbles, I look up at Zeth making eye contact for a second before a blindfold is placed over my eyes. I choose not to fight and follow willingly, some grab my ass slapping is as well others say a few clammy remarks a door is opened. I get pushed hard in the back and fall forward landing on my knees "hmpf!" I moan in pain, the sound of another person moaning in pain fills my ears. I turn my head in the direction of the sound twisting my wrists in an attempt to get out of them "nah ah not so fast Ella!" Jake says I get kicked in the side and fall down moaning in pain.

One person lifts me up while another set straps on my wrists I get lifted up and stand chains are raised so that I have to stand on my toes or just hang in them "when let's start ..." says Zeth cold things become the jerk around a body being leaned up by me, with the person's hand slowly running from my neck to collarbone "yes let's start!" Mumbles jake and kisses the piece between shoulder and neck. He grabs my shirt and pulls to the sound of fabric being torn to pieces fills the room a gentle breeze slides over my injured back I sigh happy with the cold that soothes the pain a bit.

Hunter's POV.

Seeing the top slip down her arms and falling down in a pool on the floor, seeing her bare-chested in front of me is arousing if one disregards the circumstances, I am chained to some kind of chair bed something like that. I was looking through her things trying to find clues og what might had happened to Ella when I was suddenly knocked out from behind and now I'm so here watching them torture her. I can not do a shit about it besides keeping my facade trying my best not to any care for her, I spot a young handsome man yes I admit he is handsome. I do not know which one of the men is Zeth but I'll probably find out.

A whiplash sounds and I stiffen "give up you'll get nothing out of me!" Shouts she whips again but as a warning "come on Ella! Say it or we'll do things you will never forget, she stays quiet and stubborn as usual" fine! Let's see how long you can hold on... "one of them mumbles another whiplash with a sequel of a scream of pain "argh!"She screams and cringes in pain.
I twist in all directions but get stopped and a fist hits my cheek, Ella's head flyers up and has her head against the direction I'm in. However I can not speak cause they have stuffed something in my mouth, the whipping continues my gaze is somewhere else I can not stand to see her in this way it hurts too much. They stop "well lets try something else then!" Says one of them and takes her blind fold off, we make eye contact and stiffen both.

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