The secret.

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Aella's point of view.

Spy on Zeth...!? Excuse me what the fuck?! "spy my fiancé !?" I ask frustrated Aiden nods briefly as an answer. Argh! Seriously he is my boss I am someone who is under him so he decides but, the task why that! "Well you probably wonder why I gave you this task? You see, you are the only one who knows Zeth and you are the only one who can hit his weak points so you start tomorrow understood!" Says Aiden with a bitch'y undertone I nod slowly.

He grabs my jaw and forces me to look him in the eyes I try to break free from the grip but he just tightens the grip on my jaw instead "drop me your PIECE OF SHIT!" I snarled hard. Aiden sends me a cheeky smile "so, so Ella, that's not how you speak it, you know!" he says  flabbergasted, he lifts my head up slowly erasing the inches between us. I try to push him away from me but he does not move and inch, His lips touch mine, Aiden's tongue gets force in between my lips and into my mouth I bite hard onto his tongue and he steps back groaning in pain "you fucking bitch do that again and it will have big consequences!" He snarle.

Consequences woah! Really? Do you think I'm stupid or what of course there are consequences your idiot "I just do what suits me! You do not decide over me when do you get it!?" I say coldly, once again he grabs my jaw hard forcing me to look him in the eye "you rly think that your free and dont belong to me well you do love! do wait and see!" He answer flapping back takes his jacket and disappears out of the door. My body shakes with anger I punch my clenched fist into the wall not caring about the pain throbbing in my hand how can he be such an asshole? I'm not a trophy I do not belong to someone but myself.

Zeth's point of view.

My boss has summoned me probably to hear how my job went or to scold me, the idiot has eyes and ears everywhere so you can not be alone just a fucking single second! If I really manage to listen to him at all, I mean what he is so boring that it is to vomit over. I open the door that leads into his office enters slamming the door in "what is boss!?" I say cool and stick my hands in the pockets of my jeans. My boss puts his head on his folded hands he has such a suspicious mine, a bad aura or whatever the hell it is called "how did your job go Zeth?!" He asks angrily as always.

I roll my eyes knowing that he sees it but i don't give a shit "it went well as always!" I answer absent, jeez when can I get out of this awful place if I can handle this "yes you say so! Tell me what happened Zeth!" he says sternly, sending the sourest look I've seen in a long time, "it went well, FATHER!" I shout frustrated. Yes you heard right my boss is my father, i actually ran away from the mafia life i had to get a new beginning then i met Ella we started dating and ended up getting engaged thats when my dad found me and separated us. My body starts to shake quietly from pure frustration, I turn around rushing out of his office every single person I walk past makes me feel the urge to tare the heads off their bodies can't I not just get a moment of peace!? Why should I meet her so I mean what the hell. I know I'm had my secrets but... but I did not want to scare her, so i kept it to myself so she wouldn't leave me she was the love of my life and still is.

I bump into someone muscular I look up annoyed!  "how did it went?" Lance asks if you're wondering who he is! Which you definitely do, he's my best friend aka brother. I evoke the best smile I can, making a lot of effort because Lance is very hard to fool, he can see through even the smallest detail "it went well! Thinking a little like the usual" I answer curtly with a touch of pure boredom.

I give him a friendly pat on the shoulder edging me past him "Zeth!? Hey wait!" Lance shouts after me, i hear him but I just really can not be in someone's presence not even my Best friend's right now. When I saw the picture of the girl I was told to kidnap, I just would not believe my own eyes it just could not be her it simply couldn't be true. But it was and I have no idea what to do with myself She is my fiance or rather told was, we are ENEMIES! Now so no forget it just forget what I'm not saying the next things.

I must go I must have must have some fresh air, otherwise I will be suffocated! Why exactly should it be her? Why could it not have been someone else quite honestly!? How has Ella gotten into this kind of industry. It makes no sense she hated mafia groups and would do anything in her power to stop them but it is not only her who has entered the industry I can easily remember Hunter he is her childhood friend but he probably just followed her as the puppy he has always been. When I finally step outside in the cool evening air I slowly inhale, the liberating feeling hits me I pull a cigarette pack out of my back pocket, take one out light it and ingest a long hiv of it exhaling feel a little more calm.

Hi my little ones
New chapter out
Hope u like it


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