Twenty One

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My eyes opened and I felt my heart practically jump into my throat. An arm was wrapped around my waist and there was breath going down the back of my neck, I had no idea where I was but I saw only black. As I waited for my eyes to adjust everything from yesterday flooded back and I turned my head to see Carson laying peacfully next to me. He was actually really hot.

"Ari?" Tyler asked, stirring next to me.

"Yeah?" I asked quietly.

"Ari" He said more sternly this time.

"Yes Ty?" I asked, worried.

"Ari no!" He said, tossing and turning.

"Tyler!" I said strongly as I took Carson's arm off me and tried to wake Tyler.

I've never seen him have a nightmare but considering he keeps saying my name I guess it's because of Derrick. If I ever see him again I hope he gets killed.

"Tyler wake up" I pleaded as I shook him.

"Huh? What? What's wrong?" Tyler asked as he shot upright.

"You were having a nightmare" I informed.

"I always do" He sighed.

"Wanna go for a walk?" I asked, knowing I won't be falling a sleep any time soon.

"Sounds great" He nodded as he ran his fingers through his now messy hair.

We stood up, careful not to wake the others, and he led the way to the backyard. I fell into step behind Tyler because he seemed to know his way around this place, while I was simple clueless.

"There's a trail" He said, as if reading my thoughts.

"I'm just following you" I said as he walked towards the trees around the house.

We walked side by side on a gravel and dirt trail, while a comfortable silence fell around us.

"Everyone told me to give up looking for you" He admitted, breaking the silence.

"How come you didn't?" I asked.

"Because, I had a gut feeling my sister was still out there, in need of rescue" He said.

Sister, rescue. These two words hit me like a truck and I just collapsed to the floor. Memories of James flooded my head and I didn't even bother holding back the tears. I let them roll off my cheeks and Tyler just moved next to me and held me against his chest.

"I'm so sorry" Tyler said as I pushed my face into his chest.

"I miss him so damn much" I said in between sobs.

"I know, I know, I didn't mean to bring him up" He said, brushing his fingers through my hair.

"It's okay, he hasn't left my mind" I admitted.

"Mine either" He agreed.

"I'm really glad you found me, I thought worse things were going to happen to me" I said, shaking slightly.

"I'm glad I found you in time, who knows what could have happened if I had come later" He said, holding me tight.

I don't know what I'd do without Tyler right now, his presence just has a way of making me feel like James is watching over me. After who knows how long I finally was able to calm myself down enough to stop crying. Tyler stood up and offered me a hand which I gratefully took and let him pull me to my feet.

"Lets get back to the house before people start looking for us" Tyler said as I just about fully collected myself.

I nodded and he put his arm around my shoulders as we made our way back to the house.

"Everything's okay now, I'm here and I'm not letting you go this time" Tyler whispered into my ear as he squeezed me softly.

"Thanks" I said gratefully, pecking him on the cheek.

He chuckled and kept his arm around me as we walked towards the now lit house. As we reached the outskirts of the backyard I noticed Steve and Carson running towards us at full speed. Tyler let me go and walked faster to meet Steve while Carson caught up to me at the same time.

"Oh thank god you're okay, you had us worried sick!" Carson said, wrapping his arms around my waist and picking me up.

"I'm fine, why would anything be wrong?" I asked, slightly confused and scared.

Carson didn't say anything, he put me down and looked at Steve. This isn't the part that scared me, the fact that his hands were shaking was what scared me.

"Carson, what's going on?" I asked nervously.

Steve whispered something to Tyler and his face went white.

"What?! How!" Tyler shouted.

"Will someone please tell me what's going on?" I asked with my voice beginning to crack under the nerves.

Everyone exchanged glances before turning there attention to me, Tyler was the one who spoke up.

"Derrick has located us"

~+~ ~+~ ~+~ ~+~ ~+~


He's baaaaccckkkkk!!!!!!! In honor of 9k reads I decided to keep it going with Derrick. 

Thank you all for the wonderful comments and messages. You all just put a smile on my face even in the worst days <3 I love you my penguins!!!!

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