Twenty Three

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"Are we there yet?" Tyler groaned, putting his head on Steve's shoulder.

"Tyler! Shut the hell up!" Adam said, making me jump.

"You gonna make me?" Tyler asked, typical.

"Yes" Adam nodded.

He reached into his bag and grabbed a roll of duct tape. He ripped off a piece that wasn't too big but just big enough for his purpose. Tyler wasn't paying attention so he didn't see Adam reach for his face and cover his mouth with the duct tape.

"Every time you take it off you get punched" Adam warned before turning back around to face the road.

Tyler was in the second row of the car with Eric and Riley, Carson and I were in the back row, Steve was driving and Adam was shotgun. Tyler groaned and slumped back against his chair in defeat. Feeling content Adam put his headphones in and just listened to music. I decided to do the same and pulled out my iPod and headphones.

"Wanna listen too?" I asked, holding up the extra headphone for Carson.

"Sure" He nodded, taking the headphone from my fingers.

I played "Kids In The Dark" by All Time Low as the car continued to drive who knows where. Tyler and Adam messed around, annoying each for no apparent reason. I rolled my eyes at them and laid my head on Carson's shoulder out of exhaustion. I got the best night sleep in a while but that doesn't make me awake and full of energy. Carson didn't seem to mind, he slipped his arm around my waist and turned me so I was comfortably laying with my head on his chest.

"Can we get food?" Tyler asked.

"Fatass" I mumbled.

"Shut up!" Tyler snapped back at me.

I stuck my tongue out at him and he rolled his eyes before turning around.

"So can we?" Tyler asked Steve.

"Sure" Steve shrugged.

He pulled off the highway and made his way to some little mini mart.

"Everyone meet back here in ten" Steve said as he shut off the engine.

We all unbuckled and jumped out of the car before practically sprinting into the mart. We haven't been in an actual public place for months, maybe even years.

"I want Red Bull!" Adam shouted as he went towards the back.

"Talkis!" Tyler said.

"Grab me some" I shouted at him.

"I know" Tyler said waving his hand at me.

I rolled my eyes and followed Carson towards the drinks. He grabbed a Gatorade and I got a Monster before we walked towards the candy and stuff. Yes we both love candy, deal with it. I snapped a bag of gummy bears off the shelf quickly and Carson just laughed.

"You're so cute with your gummy bears" He chuckled as he shook his head.

"Why thank you" I said, sticking my tongue out.

He grabbed a couple candy bars before we walked up to the check out. Tyler tossed me a bag of Talkis and I paid for them before walking out of the store with Carson by my side. We sat down on the bench outside and just opened our food.

"Ariana?" Someone asked from behind me.

My head snapped around to see Maria standing there looking shocked.

"Maria oh my god!" I shouted, jumping to my feet.

"I thought you were dead!" She said with tears in her eyes as I bear hugged her.

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