Chapter Four - Edited

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I've tried everything I could think of to keep my mind clear. Music, reading, actually doing my school work, joking around with Tyler, but it's like nothing can get that damn letter off my mind! I regret even reading it because now it's like it's ingrained in my brain forever.

You think keeping your phone off with get rid of me? Oh darling; how you couldn't be more wrong. –M

A chill ran down my spine just thinking about it. I have no clue who "M" is, but he certainly knows who I am, enough to know my exact locker and combo; not even Tyler knows my exact locker. I jumped back to reality when Tyler tapped his pen on the corner of my desk.

"You okay Ari?" He asked.

"Yeah, just tired of school" I shrugged, not exactly lying.

"Same here, but at least it's last period" He nodded.

I smiled. Tyler always manages to find the bright side of any situation. Which only makes not being able to tell him about my stalker, that much harder. He could possibly have the solution to this whole situation but I'm not willing to put his life in danger for this. If he's capable of knowing my entire life story, I sure as hell don't want him making Tyler his next target because of me.

"So how's that girl you liked?" I asked, remembering my agreement with Maria.

"She's really good actually, we've been talking more" He beamed as he flipped his textbook to the correct page.

"So when are you going to pop the question?" I asked.

"Should I?" He asked.

"You really like her don't you?"

He blushed slightly and I knew that was a big, fat, yes.

"I say go for it. The worst she can say is no" I shrugged.

"Do you think she'd say yes?" He asked.

"She'd be stupid not to" I assured.

He smiled and nodded.

"I'll do it after school then, but you better wait for me" He said.

"I don't have much of a choice" I reminded.

He chuckled and turned his attention back to the notes we are now behind on taking. Ever since the whole me almost stabbing James incident, I've been going to Tyler's after school until James picked me up; he still believes it all happened because I'm nervous about being home alone, which isn't untrue. What if he had found a way inside? What if it wasn't James who I saw? So many possibilities racing through my head made my heart race. Maybe I'm not lying about being nervous to be home alone but I still feel bad about not being able to tell him why.

Tyler, James, and Maria are always the ones I've told everything and anything to, but this is just one thing I can't afford to tell them. No matter how much I wish I could. The final bell rang and we all shot out of our seats. It didn't feel like it had been an hour but I guess when you get lost in your thoughts, time goes by a little faster than normal.

"Homework is due Monday" The teacher reminded as we all groaned but continued to race out of the class.

I fell into step next to Tyler who was fiddling with his hands. His nervous tick.

"You'll be fine Tye" I said, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"I really hope so, I've never been this nervous to ask a girl out" He admitted.

"Just breath, I'll meet you by the gates. I'm going to my locker" I said.

"Sounds like a plan" He nodded.

I hugged him and reminded him to just get it over with and that nothing will happen the way he's worst-casing it. When we got to the courtyard we went our separate ways and I walked into the now deserted hallway. Only like three other people were roaming around. I quickly went to my locker and spun in the combination before opening it, bracing myself for anything new falling out; but nothing did. Thank god. I put my books in the locker and tried to convince myself that everything will be fine, just as I had told Tyler, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

I glanced around the hall and at first I didn't see anything, but then I took a better look at the end of the hallway and saw Him. The guy from outside my window in a black hood, covering nearly all of his face. He must've known I saw him because he took a step out of the shadows and towards me. I slammed my locker shut and sprinted out of the hallway.

I didn't even think about if he would be following or if he was actually Him. I just focused on getting the hell out of the hallway and into the semi still crowded courtyard. I didn't slow down once I was outside either. I speed walked towards the spot I was meeting Tyler at, seeing he was waiting for me when I got closer. By the way his stance changed, he knew something was wrong.

"Ariana? What's wrong? What happened?" He asked quickly.

"Nothing, just remembered I have a test tomorrow I completely forgot about" I lied, god I hate lying to them.

"You sure?" He asked.

"So how'd it go with that girl?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Our first date is tomorrow night" He said proudly.

"Do I get to know her name yet, or..." I trailed off.

"Zoe" He said.

"That's great Tye! See, I told you there was nothing to be worried about"

"I still can't believe she said yes"

"Why wouldn't she?"

"You have a point there, I'm pretty awesome" He smirked, flexing.

"The awesomest" I nodded.

He laughed and threw his arm over my shoulders, pulling me into his side as we walked out of the gates. I quickly glanced behind me and saw no one but students. No creepy hooded guy following me. I hadn't thought about this during, but what if he wasn't even there? What if the paranoia made me think he was there when he really wasn't?

I shook the thoughts out of my head and Tyler handed me one of his headphones. An acoustic song was blasting through it and I gladly put it in my ear. I turned my focus to the lyrics and attempted to block out anything that has to do with "M" and the hooded man.

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