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"Wake the fuck up!" Someone shouted just before a huge amount of water was thrown on me.

My eyes shot open and I coughed the water out of my burning lungs. My eyes tried to adjust but there was nothing to adjust to. It was pitch black.

"Where am I?" I asked, as memories flooded back.

I answered the door. Derrick was there. He told me he was M. He kidnapped me. Tyler is innocent. Thank god.

"A place babe, we're finally together" Derricks voice pierced through the darkness.

I couldn't tell where he was since the room echoed but he was somewhere. My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I couldn't see him still. Damn, he must be in all black or something. I tried to move from the chair I was in but I couldn't. Sharp pain ran through my arms as I tried to move them.

"Why the hell am I chained to a chair!?" I shouted.

"So you won't run" He said, as if it were obvious.

"What do you want from me?" I asked with tears threatening to spill.

"It's not what I want from you, it's what I want to do with you" He said in a creepy sexual tone. Great.

"Why me?" I asked shakily, I'm using this to get my questions answered.

"Why not? Your perfection and now your mine forever" He said stepping closer to me.

I moved my face away from his as he got closer and closer. He groaned at my resistance and slapped me across the face.

"You will do as I say! Got it?" He snapped.

"Mhm" I whimpered.

I've never been hit like this. Never. I only resisted and he hit me pretty hard, what's going to happen if I try to escape. He'd probably beat me to death or worse.

"Well now that your up we can move you to your cell" He said walking behind me.

"My cell?" I asked confused.

"Well I'm not keeping you up here, you might try to run and we can't have that now can we?" He asked untying me from the chair.

He untied my legs next and ordered me to stand. I did as told and he cuffed me behind my back.

"Walk" He instructed as he held my hands, steering me.

He walked out of the room and in to the large outdoors. The light blinded me and I stopped walking as I tried to adjust.

"I didn't say stop!" He shouted, kicking me in the back of the leg.

My leg buckled and I managed to get back to my feet and let him lead me where ever he was taking me. There's no point in trying to run, fields go on for miles around and he'd shoot me dead I'm sure. Plus my short legs won't get me very far compared to his long ones.

He led me to a small shed, there were a total of three sheds all in a triangle like patterm. The one in the middle was larger than the others though. He shoved me towards the right one and I stumbled forward but, luckily, didn't fall.

"You'll be staying here 'till further notice" He said opening the shed door.

He uncuffed me and shoved me in before slamming the door shut. I pushed myself off the floor and stood up. The shed was dark besides the small windows scattered around the top of it. I took in the surroundings before simple sitting on the floor. I've been kidnapped by M and no one knows where I am or who he is. My chances of escaping alive is a million to one.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~


So here's the new chapter, yes I know it sucks, sorry. I promise the next one will be better :)

I love hearing your feedback about my story and thank you so much for the comments, reads, votes, and messages!! I never expected this book to get so big!!

You people should read my other books, "Finding Romeo" and "Lost Souls"

Thanks for reading and I'll update soon!

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