Forty Five

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| Ariana |

"When can he leave?" I asked, its been a week since Carson was brought here.

"Today, he just needs to come back for check ups and take it easy" The doctor said, reading his chart.

I beamed and rushed into the hospital room. Carson had bandages across his stomach for a few broken ribs and a cast on his right hand from a broken wrist. Other than that and a split eye brow he was fine. I only had bruises and a split lip. They say Carson saved my life, that my ribs were about to break and that would've killed me.

"Carson, you up?" I asked.

"Yeah, any news?" He asked.

"You're out today" I said.

"Finally" He exhaled.

"I can finally show you the apartment! It's really nice" I said.

"I'm fine anywhere as long as you're there" He said being corny, but I loved it.

I smiled and pressed my lips to his. It was meant to be a quick kiss but as I pulled back he put his hand behind my head and pulled me back down. I didn't object.

"I'm so glad you let me explain" He said as he pulled back.

"I'm glad you found that bar" I said.

"Me too" He said.

I chuckled and the doctor walked in.

"Sorry for interrupting but we need to run some tests and then you're free to go. Ariana already scheduled your checkups and PT for the next month" He informed.

"She takes care of me" Carson grinned.

"Well someone has to" I laughed.

"You ready?" The doctor asked.

"Let's do it" Carson nodded.

"I'll be in the cafe" I said.

I stood up to leave but Carson pulled me back and pressed our lips together once again.

"Okay, now you can leave" He said.

I rolled my eyes but laughed none the less. We've been together since we got here and no ones taking us apart any time soon. I walked out of the room and headed to the little cafeteria in the hospital.

"Hi Melanie" I said as I walked in.

"Hey Ariana, coffee?" She asked.

"Yes please" I nodded.

She smiled before turning around to make the coffee. I've spent most of my time here, the coffees better than anywhere else. They probably make it more than anything else though. She handed it to me and I reached for my wallet.

"No, on the house, think of it as a goodbye present" She said.

"Thanks" I said.

"Good luck, I wish you two a long life together" She said.

"Thanks Melanie, same to you and Peter" I said.

Considering how much time I've spent here I've gotten pretty close with Melanie. She's pretty cool. She's about 23 but she's got the heart of a 17 year old.

"We should keep in touch" She suggested.

"Of course, I'll call you when we get settled" I nodded.

"Sounds like a plan, bye Ariana" She said.

"Bye Melanie" I said.

I left the cafeteria and made my way to the car. The police force was able to get us an apartment in town and a car as accommodations for "what we've been through" as they put it. I grabbed the duffle bag out of it that I had filled with some clothes for Carson. I shut the trunk and took a deep breath. It's nice not having to continually look over my shoulder every second of the day.

I walked back into the hospital and made my way to his room. When I got there they were making him stand up, sit back down, then stand up again.

"How's it going?" I asked.

"Good" Carson said.

"This is the last test, then you're free to go once Ariana signs some papers" The doctor said.

"Sounds good" I nodded.

"I can't wait to be in an actual bed" Carson said.

"All in good time" The doctor said.

"How many more?" Carson asked.

"Two more sets and then you're free" The doctor said.

Carson sighed but continued. Once he was done he flopped on the bed and breathed out.

"I'll bring the papers" He said before leaving.

I nodded and he left the room as I sat next to Carson. Once the door closed he grabbed my hand and pulled me so I was laying down next to him.

"How's it feel to be free?" I asked.

"Amazing, what do you say once I get out of here you let me take you on a real date?" He asked.

"What is this? Is Carson asking me out?" I asked, faking a surprised third person.

"Maybe I am" He shrugged.

"Maybe I'll say yes" I smirked.

He pulled me so I was facing him and he rested his forehead against mine.

"I'm counting on it" He said before pressing his lips to mine.

Everything's not perfect, it probably never will be. But for the first time since the texts started, everything's okay. And I'll take just okay any day. I may have lost a lot and I'll probably never be the same but everything's okay. My names Ariana; I was stalked, kidnapped, beaten, raped, and turned into a murderer, I'll never be the same but that's okay because without that experience I wouldn't have the life I have today. A life with Carson, a life with someone I know will never leave. It's not a perfect life, but it's everything I want.

The End

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