Twenty Six

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We all piled into the other car that had been parked in the garage when we realized that we didn't know where to look. No idea where Tyler would be, and not a single clue that could help us find that out. Derrick was prepared but also very stupid. If he wanted me to run to him for Tyler then he should've left clues.

"Ariana" Adam said with his back to me.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"You might wanna look at this" He said, lifting something over his shoulder without turning around.

I grabbed it from him and it was an envelope with the letter 'M' on it. Of course. I opened it and I just shook my head at the words, I knew he'd take Tyler as a trap for me.

If you want you your friend back then come to this address before tomorrow's sunset. If you bring cops I'll shoot him on sight. It'll be good to have you back babe ;) -M

I folded the note and put it back in the envelope. There was a separate paper for the address to I took that out before chucking the note into the trash. I gave Adam the address and he took it as something good. I was glad to know where Tyler was but now we have to figure out how in the hell to get him away from Derrick without anyone getting killed.

"So are we heading over there?" He asked.

"First, we need weapons" Carson said.

"Yes" I agreed.

"What type of weapons?" Adam asked.

"Knives, possibly a gun, couple rounds" I said.

"Sounds good but we do not kill Derrick as soon as we see him got it?" Adam said.

"Why not?" I asked.

We walked out of the building and into the bright sun. We decided to go back to where Tyler was taken and of course that's where we found the clue. Now we're heading back to the car.

"Because we need to give him a chance to let Tyler go without violence" Adam said.

"Fuck that!" Eric shouted.

"Yeah if we don't shoot him now he'll just come back after any of us" I explained.

"No shooting anyone, if he comes back after you, then you can shoot him" Adam said, standing his ground.

"He is coming back after me!" I shouted.

"Well you're not shooting anyone!" Adam shouted back.

"Fuck you!" I shouted before walking away enraged.

Who does he think he is bossing me around? This whole savior plan is my idea! Tyler is my best friend and I'll save him with however many casualties I want. And that fucker took everything from me, you would want him dead too if you were in my place.

"You alright?" Eric asked as he rounded the corner.

I didn't even realize I had walked so far, I was somehow in between two buildings. I don't remember walking more than a few feet.

"I'm fine" I lied, I'm vexed!

"No you're not" He said, damnit.

"I just want to find Tyler and kill Derrick, is that too much to ask?" I said with my voice ready to give out at any second.

"You don't want to kill him" He said.

"And why do you think that is?" I said, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Because you have a beautiful heart and killing someone will taint it. You don't want anger to change who you are" He said as he poked my nose for emphasis.

"I really hate you sometimes" I groaned.

"No you don't" He grinned.

"But how can you say that? If you saw your kidnapped wouldn't you want to kill him?" I asked.

"No" He replied.

"How?" I asked.

"Simple, if I kill him then I'm just as bad as him. I don't want to be anything around his level" He explained, damn that's a good explanation.

I didn't know what to say. I mean what do you even say to that?

"So you alright now?" He asked.

"I think so, thanks" I said.

I tip toed up and pecked him on the cheek before turning to walk away, but he wasn't so quick to let me go. He grabbed my hand and yanked me back so that my back slammed against the wall. I groaned in pain and he pinned my hands above my head.

"I've been waiting to do this since I met you" He said with lust clouding his eyes.

He crashed his lips to mine with such force that the back of my head thumped against the wall behind me. I tried to push him off but that only made him come back stronger.

"Ariana?" Carson's voice rang through the alley, he wasn't far.

I tried to scream but it came out muffled against Eric's mouth.

"To be continued" Eric muttered before covering my mouth with a cloth.

Not again! I cannot go back! I kicked and screamed with all my might. Eric only laughed and tightened his grip.

"Stop struggling and maybe Tyler will live" He said.

Tyler? At his name I stopped my fight and just went limp as the drugged cloth blurred my vision and made my muscles go numb. I need to find Tyler and escape with us both alive. But I am killing three people before we leave. Fuck what anyone else has to say. Derrick, Maria, Eric, watch your fucking backs because you've unleashed something you'll wish you kept tame.

|•| a/n |•|

Shittttt yeah she snapped. Well who thought Eric would be on the other side? You think anyone else is too? Comment who you think is working for Derrick.

I can't believe I'm at 25k!!!!! I love you all so much!!

Everyone should follow blueflower00 and read her book "Troubled" because it's amazing and should have waaaayyyyyyy more reads than it does. Link below so go read it!

Thanks for helping me exceed my goal of 20k by St. Patricks Day! I was at 22k!!! I love my penguin army to death and I hope you're loving the book! Next update coming soon.

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