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It been a week, I think, I'm trying to mark the days on the wall but it's getting harder for me to keep up hope. I want to believe Tyler will come but this week has been pure hell. He's hit me, touched me, and so much more. The only question flowing on a none stop loop through my head is, why me? What did I do to deserve this?

"Get up" Derricks voice boomed as the shed door shot open.

"What?" I asked with my voice sounding as small as I felt.

"Someone tried to escape, I'm moving everyone into more secure areas" He said, grabbing my left upper arm and practically dragging me out of the shed and into the main house.

He walked through the house and towards a door that had a good amount of locks on it. He unlocked them with a key, he then put back in his pocket, before pushing me into the door and sending me tumbling down a flight of stairs. I rubbing the back of my head and my knees as the room span out of control.

"Get up" He groaned, once again grabbing my arm.

He walked towards a wall with about four doors. I was shoved into the one all the way to the left, it was an empty room.

"I'll be back" He winked before closing the door, leaving me with most likely a bleeding head.

A couple years slipped from my eye and I quickly swiped them away. It's bad enough he's ripped away my family and kidnapped me, I will not let him see me broken. He will never get the satisfaction of seeing me cry because of him. I bit down on my lip so hard the metallic taste of blood crept on to my tongue, I took that as a sign to ease up on my lip.

Doors slammed, screams cried out, walls were hit, and God knows what else happened while I sat in the broom closet of a room he threw me in. It took a while but Derrick did eventually come back and I backed myself into a corner once be closed the door behind him.

"Now it's just you and me babe, alone again" He said seductively as he walked towards me.

My back hit the wall and I bit my lip to keep myself from breaking down right there. He put his hands next to my head with his face right in front of mine.

"I think we both know what's bound to happen next" He said with a smirk that scared the life out of me.

I gulped loud before he jammed his tongue down my throat. To say it was torture is an understatement. I've never felt to used, violated, and helpless in my life. I just wish I had someone to protect me, I wish I had Tyler back. When I see him the first words to come out of my mouth will be "I'm so sorry."


"Everyone out to the main area!" Derrick shouted.

I scrambled to my feet and rushed to the door. The other people he had kidnapped rushed into the main room and many of them looked as beaten and bruised as I was, some even worse. The fact that there was at least ten other people made me cringe. This ass hole has at least eleven people kidnapped and hidden in his basement and no one has suspected a thing?!

"Well as you all know there has been a recent break out involving three people, they have been, taken care of" He said, with an evil smirk on his lips.

The girl next to me dropped to the floor and bawled, guessing she knew one of them.

"As a reward to you all for not attempting I will allow you three home items, but nothing that can be used to communicate" He said.

Everyones eyes went wide, also guessing he doesn't do this type of thing much.

"You will find a paper in your room momentarily and you can write down what you would like to have, it will be given to you shortly after" He informed.

"Dismissed" He said, before exiting up the stairs.

Everyone rushed back to their rooms leaving just me and the bawling girl.

"Are you okay?" I asked, kneeling next to her.

She flinched at my hand on her shoulder and her eyes shot to mine. Fear, terror, and pure hopelessness were clear in them.

"He killed my boyfriend, I loved David more than I loved myself" She said as tears rolled down her face.

I wiped away the tears with my thumb and pulled her into a hug. She was hesitant but hugged me back after a couple of seconds.

"Who are you? You must obviously be new, he breaks spirits pretty fast here" She said, wiping her eyes.

"I'm Ariana, and yeah I'm new" I said with sadness in my voice.

"I'm Emily, I'm not new" She said sniffling.

"Why does he kidnap so many?" I asked, millions of questions floated through my head but I could only ask them one at a time.

"For sport" She half sighed half shrugged.

Footsteps were heard above and we both scattered to our rooms, she was the second one from the right end on the other side. I didn't even realize there was another side until now. I went to my room and just sat on the floor. How could he just kill three innocent, most likely, teens like that?

Like he said, a piece of paper slipped under my door along with a paper. I quickly filled it out with the only thing that could possible help me right now; my iPod, my headphones, and my charger.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~


Not a very eventful chapter but I wanted to get an update out, I'm so close to 1k reads! I never thought one of my books would get this big before I even finished it!

You guys are the best readers ever and I love getting your messages. If I don't reply I'm sorry but my notifications are delayed lately. I will get back to you as soon as possible. Love you my penguins and thanks for 935 freakin' reads!!! 🐧

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