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The others have followed into the lab with us all but Thor that is. Some sitting in silence Tony and Bruce trying to figure out what happened, I don't know how  much time had past but when I came back from zoning out I saw Thor come back into the room, not walking in but almost like a run at Tony and pick him up by the throat and pinning him to the wall, Steve and Clint are calling Thor off of him and I stand up and put my hand on Thors bicep and start to take some of his anger, he looks to me and dropped him, He explains he can not find Ultron now that he's gone past a certain point. Steve starts in on Tony about not communicating about what he was trying to do with the scepter, Tony yelling back at him "isn't the goal to end all the fight to go home?" And then he sighs "We did lose someone today." Everyone looking confused he pulls up a orange destroyed mess of code and pixels I respond to this "J.A.R.V.I.S." nodding to me Tony then continues to talk and I look away and in the distance I think I see a robot standing mancingly and then waving, I shake my head in fear that I'll now being see him and Loki now. The others talk about trying to find him we all nod and Tony comes over to me as the others walk out "Are you sure you're alright? You took a beating out there and those energy shots are no joke, I invented them I know, how are you still walking?" I kind of look at him with a puzzled look unsure of how I did survice that maybe it was part of my powers maybe the blast wasn't strong enough? Which this didn't make since either as Tony would never half ass something like that. Maybe it was the narrater of this story not realizing that she wrote the story that way and had no way of explaining it now. Who knows. I look up at Tony again he looks worried why does he always look worried "I'm fine is there really anything else you need to know?" Feeling as though that came off alittle strong remembering I had taken some of the anger from Thor and shaking my head clear "Maybe I should help in the morning, I'm tired and I've taken alot of energy today." He nods and kisses my forehead "Sweetness go upstairs and sleep, maybe take a shower first or wait for me and we can shower together?" He winks and I hit him "Go be a superhero Tony." "I'm not anything with out you. I promise we won't solve this problem without you" and I walk off to our room. I head up the stairs and he to the bathroom I splash some water in my face first and look up into the mirror only to see Loki behind me. I scream and turn around and then what looks to be a unfamiliar red-headed women stands where Loki was and she barely touches my forehead and I fall to the ground, throwing things from the counter to the ground I look around and the bathroom is still a bathroom the same as it has always been no one around but me. There is someone rushing into the room and I throw energy at the door that I had taken today, it's a wave of blue crashes around the door and the person seems to move to the side just in time, "GO AWAY" I yell, and Steve comes into view "hey, hey its me, you're okay, you're okay. What happened are you okay?" He places his hands on my shoulders trying to get me to calm down, I look at him and then past and Tony is there in the doorway "You didnt see her run by you did you?" I feel my mind racing and they both shake there head no "Y/n no one is in the building besides us? Who did you see?" I shake my head and push Steve's arms off of me and I sit against the wall and hold my head " Some red headed women and Loki and they were here" Steve looks back at Tony "Whats wrong with her Tony? You didn't tell us she was seeing things?" Tony shakes his head "She never told me." Tony makes his way past Steve and grabs my hands "maybe you should come sleep downstairs in the living room so we can keep and eye on you babe" I shake my head furiously at him "You think I'm crazy don't you" Tony holds my head in the hands and his eye look beggingly into mine "No I don't bit you need rest and I don't think you should be by yourself" Steve chimes in " It's okay Y/n, come relax with us were going to go over case files and things okay?" I look at them both and nod. Tony helps me stand and we walk out of the bathroom, he wraps my fuzzy blanket from the bed around me and grabs a pillow under one arm and holds my hand down to the living room and sets me up on the couch "Sleep well love" and he kisses my forehead again as I get comfortable, I can see the others look at me and it looks sad I try and pull their sadness to me from my place on the couch but I'm to tired, I hear them mumble alittle as I close my eyes the last thing I hear is Clint "People messing with your mind is a problem, she's going to need time to heal, you need to..." and I'm out...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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