ch. 2

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I walk to our once room calmly as I can be in these circumstances.  I grab mosy of my things that I can carry in one trip. I go down to my old room which is on the other side of the tower as far away from the others and thats when I see nat and clint standing in the living room area of the house. I look at them both and they come to my side nat grabs the things in my hands  and takes them to my room and clint follows me to tony's room I look around as clint get to work on my things and I see things of pepper 's spread acrossed the room. I never really even looked to see what was going on around me. I tell clint im going to take a break for a moment out on the balcony. I walk to the open door that leads to the completely glass balcony and I let the air hit my wet cheeks.
       "He loves you" a loud voice booms. "Thor I really don't need this from you. " "and I dont need  you two fighting before we have to go get Lokis septure." I shutter at the thought of that thing, for I along with clint was under its power  and  by the time they got to me tony was already in the whole above stark tower and I had already kill many... I saw the bodies and I saw Tony and i felt a sting of pain run through my body... gun shots through my side and shoulder. Steve had no other option but to do that. At least I didn't die and at least tony was safe. Except he came out with some anxiety disorder. I guess thats where pepper came from.. when he was upset or maybe when I was still recovering from the gun wounds because I dont really remember much about him visiting..."Lady Michaella?" I snap out of it and pushes Thor away from the entrance if the room and I grab a photo of Tony and I off the dresser and I head to my new room where I keep to myself for the rest of the day.
      It wasnt until nat came to get me fir dinner did I realized I had been in my room for hours. I felt as though my legs wouldnt be able to carry my weight for very long but I got up anyways and I fixed my spaghetti strap tank top and my shorts. I looked in the mirror and saw the scars that Loki had left on me and I saw the scar from the gun shot wound and sighed as I walked out the door.
     Never have I felt more eyes on me. No one has ever seen my scars expect Bruce.. hes was the only one I trusted to not tell anyone how many there actually was. Tonys eyes felt the most burning and pepper walks in and shoves past me to.get to Tony I look at the pizza that they have ordered for dinner and I was about to turn around when steve came up from behind me. He bends down to my ear "you have to eat. Please dont make me force feed you" I look down and steve shoves me alittle towards the food I grab a slice and turn to look at Steve and take a bit and throw away the slice and walk out the kitchen and everyone stays silent until they hear my door close.
     "Im glad you picked me over her. Did you see those scars ?" Pepper says to Tony.. these words break nat of ber silence " im sorry speak up im sure japan couldnt hear you. First you steal her man next you still her room and her comfort to be in front of us. And she got those scars from Loki if you didnt know." "Natasha I didn't steal anything first off he came crawling to me. I guess he got done with a clumsy nasty..." "that's it Tony if your going to be with her than I am leaving" nat exclaims "me as well" clint says and steve goes and gets his coat and they all leave to go get dinner together.  Bruce stands up and looks at Tony almost in pain. Tony nods and looks down at his food Thor himself and pepper are the last ones in the kitchen.

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