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I don't own any of the characters.

       I wake up the next morning with an arm slung over my waist and light breathing on my neck,I smile and turn my head to look at tony. "Good morning beautiful" he says in a mumbling sleepy voice it almost sounds raspy but I smile alittle bit more and place my hand on his cheek "Good morning Tony" I lean up and kiss him softly on the lips and he gladly reciprocate's when I pull away he is almost is pouting "so soon sweetheart?" "Aren't you still tired you didn't sleep for 3 days?" He finally opens his eyes and looks at me with a look of disbelief "I'm good to go" he tries to get up but then falls back on his pillow with a small chuckle "but I guess I could use a couple more hours of sleep" he smiles at me and grabs my hand "are you going to stay mic?" I think for a moment if I should stay or not "I assume your not going to let me have my own room and your going to want me to move back in here" I say sort of questioning he looks at me "why" "becuase like I said i don't want to go back to the way it was so want fresh and new.." I look at a picture of Tony and I he had on his table next to the bed "if you don't want to move in here again right way then I'm not going to make you" I feel like he is hurt alittle and then I see him roll over not to face me. I sigh and kiss his cheek and leave his room and I go straight to the lab to find Bruce right where I left him last night.
"Can I ask you something?" Bruce looks up at me and I see that he is tired and just wants to finish this calculation. "Right now?" I shake my head no and kiss his cheek and leave him to his work so I head to gym where I find cap and nat training and Clint in the corner training with his bow. So I go to Clint first as he would be the less dangerous of the three to disrupt so I casually walk over to him "you know if everyone was as forgiving as you alot more people would be sad" Clint says "I love Tony and I think we've both been through enough pain." He turns to look at me "I'm guessing your here to find out what I think about the situation?." "No I just want to know what you'd do if you were me" "I'd be dating cap" he chuckles softly and another arrow pierces the the dummy "people don't change mic tony is a good friend don't get me.wrong I just don't see what you see in him I guess" Clint hands me a different bow and some arrows "here take out your aggressions" I smile and fire some arrows in the same dummy as Clint aiming alittle lower in than his targets "hey kid watch the marbles" he says wincing when the arrow reaches its mark. "What's wrong mic" "Tonys already upset with me becuase I want to take things slow instead of rushing back into that" I let another arrow loose and I sigh "just deal with it michaella you know he's just a baby" nat yells from acrossed the room I sigh and put down the bow and I leave realizing they're probably right i should just get used to it. I mean I've been with him for 3 years and I can't believe that im not over this. I sigh  and go to my room to sit and think for awhile about everything I've done.

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