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Tony jumps out of the elevator and runs out of the front door to his car and he speeds towards S.H.E.I.L.D he pick up his phone and called Steve on the way there."hello?" "How dare you let her take the blame for something she didn't do." "This was her choice yoy figured it out did Bruce?" "Of course he did he found out before I did" silence is met after tony finishes "she told fury that she was in her right mind to kill thosr he would lock her up..." tony hangs up the phone and speed fast to me ," Michaella you've got to be the dumbest person ive met sometimes." Tony says to himself.

'Mean while with Bruce'

Bruce makes his way down to the jail cell where im held. I'm sitting in a corner of the room where the sunlight doesnt hit and I try to think back to when I was under Loki's power I think about all the pain I had caused but I didnt feel like I caused it was like I had a switch that told me what I could and couldn't do and it was smashed so what was wrong seemed right now I guess thats what Loki's staff did to all who was under its control... I dont however remember what had occurred I remember Loki wanted me for a purpose weather that was to use Tony or not ill never get to ask. But now I see my adopted dad standing before me almost in tear practicality angry in everyway at me. "Were going home now Michaella." I sit there and shake my head no "I dont have a home Bruce" he sits next to me in the corner of the cell and stares off into the distance "I know you feel that Loki doing that to you was your fault and you could have pervented those deaths. But you weren't the one at fault Barten I mean Clint was in the same.boat..." "you got him out first...Loki beat me to recondition me and I became a weapon.... mom and dad died and now I havr no one." Bruce grabs my hand "you have me I adopted you so your my daughter and I will always be here Fury has agreed to let you out and you can come home with me." I felt my heart break again and I look at Bruce. I don't know if I can face Tony again he broke my heart he never treated me the way he did last night. I never thought I would see that side of him... what would he do once I got back apologize and then go on a date with pepper I don't even want to bw in the same . room as her.... I get up and Bruce puts his jacket around me we go.towards the elevator when it opens to show Tony. He jumps out and runs to me.and hugs me the tightest he's ever hugged me "Im so sorry Mic I'm . so sorry I never meant a word I said I was drunk and I know thats not an excuse but.." he pulls away and he looks at me im in shock and hes in tears and he leans down and kisses me. Im taken a back at first but then Bruce pulls us apart. "Now thats enough Tony. You still have Pepper." Bruce glares at Tony and he pulls me along to the elevator and when I get in I turn to see Tony just staring at me and realizing that Bruce is right and has lost me... he mouths the words im sorry as the doors close to what I feel like is for good.

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