Chapter Four

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        "Jeff," Slendy began. "(Y/N) has to stay here, in her hometown. She'll be staying with her parents, or a close family-friend."
        "What...?" Jeff replied, astonished.
        "No, (Y/N)'s staying here. With me. Forever, right, (Y/N)?" Jeff looked at you, tears threatening to escape from his eyes.

        "I'm sorry, Jeff, but I can't." You said looking at the sheets. "Maybe when I've fully recovered, I can come stay with you, Until then, I have to stay here." The sheets were white. An ugly, creamy white color which had began fading into more of a gray. You were engulfed in the color. Though the sheets brought warmth, you hated them.

        Jeff ran out of the room, shielding his face from concerned passer-by-ers with his arm.You could see a tear stream down his neck before he exited the room. "If only I hadn't broken this damn leg of mine." You said. "My parents wouldn't have ever known about how I was living with complete strangers, murderers in fact. They would've never been concerned for my well-being." You sighed and looked over at Slendy. "I'm sorry. I did what had to be done." Slendy said, almost as if he was trying to tell himself that he was right to tell your parents.

        "It's fine..." Your words echoed through your mind. Was it really okay? Were you really okay with not seeing Jeff for about 3 months. Of course not. You just lied to yourself, hoping the time would pass quickly. Maybe your parents won't let you go back. I mean, they know that you've been living with serial killers now. Maybe they'll let you go back because they haven't hurt you. 'I doubt it...' you thought as a single tear slipped down your cheek. You watched as it dripped off your chin and fell onto the ugly, white sheets.

        ~Jeff's POV~

        I kept running. I knew no one would come to look for me. I busted through the hospital doors and ran outside into the cool night air. The sky was covered with deep purple and gray clouds and the moon barely shone. I kept running, even though thoughts of (Y/N) clouded my mind. It was like being caught in the middle of a war. I stopped running and collapsed on the ground. In the end, I just get shot.

        ~Normal POV~

        You laid down in the bed and let your head fall upon the pillows. You sighed and a nurse walked in. "It's time for visitors to leave." She said in a depressing voice. "Bye BEN. Bye Slendy..." You said. "Bye (Y/N) they said in unison. They walked out the door, leaving you behind. Alone, once again.

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