Chapter Nine

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        You looked up to see a figure which you hadn't seen in months. A white, blood-stained hoodie, jet black hair, reaching down to his shoulders, black dress-pants and ghostly pale skin with a carved smile, stretching across his cheeks. "Jeff..?" Sudden realization hit you in the face like a wet noodle. "Jeff. What the everloving FUCK TOOK YOU SO LONG?!" You screamed, shooting up to your feet. The pale male took a step back as you advanced towards him, your pace quickening. 

        You rose your arm sharply and pointed at his face. If you were to move an inch or so closer, you would touch the tip of his nose. 

        "Where the Hell were you all this time!" Your voice was loud, your face red, and your heart was beating fast.

        "I first ran somewhere north of the hospital and passed out. Soon enough, I was able to find my way back to the woods, which is where I hid until LJ finally found me in a tree... Sorry if I scared you."

        "Hell yeah you scared me. You left me to forget about you and everything we are--were." You corrected yourself. "Do you know how hard that was for me? Pfft, of course you don't. You don't know what it's like to feel. You're a psychotic killer who murders innocent people for fun."

        Jeff took another step back, you mimicking his actions, except you stepped forward. Jeff seemed to shake, almost. His eyes grew wider, if that was even possible, and he just stared at you with those wide, glossy eyes. 

        "(Y/N)... I-I...," Jeff stuttered. 

        "Go on. Tell me about how you feel so sorry for what you've done. If you even know what that's like." You spoke with such hatred, your words like snake's venom. 

        Jeff was even more taken aback, but he soon recollected himself and grabbed your outreached arm and throwing it back down to your side. This time, Jeff was the one moving forward and pointing the accusing finger.
        "So you're telling me that I can't be a killer and have you even so much as like me, but BEN is allowed to go off on killing sprees every night and you'll still love him? What a load of bullshit, (Y/N). If you loved me before, killer and all, I don't see why you can't love me now."

        "BEN didn't go off and leave me when I needed him most, unlike you who left me when there was a remote chance we would even see each other again. I was expecting you to want to stay as long as you could before I had to leave you. Then, maybe, just maybe, I could have persuaded my parents that I was safe around you and the other pastas and they would let me go to you again. I guess I just got my hopes up too high. What else should one expect from a monster?"

        "I don't know. What should you expect from a "monster" who was scared of losing the one thing he loved most? I just didn't want to hurt even more than I did okay!? I loved you and I didn't want to have to face you when you would have to leave. I was scared, alright? Is that what you want to hear? Is it, (Y/N)?" 

        At this, Jeff's arm fell limp by his side and he looked down at the ground, avoiding eye contact from you. He turned around and began walking to the large front doors of the mansion. You swiftly reached out to Jeff and grabbed his right forearm. Jeff spun around to face you once more and, looking you directly in the eyes he spoke sternly, "No, (Y/N). You've had your chance. Now, go have fun with your boyfriend, BEN. I'm done with you."

        And with that, he shook your hand off and strolled out of the room, the large doors opening then slamming shut once more. "No.. Jeff," Little did you know that as Jeff walked out of the room, he was biting back the tears formed by the sorrow and despair that had just arose from that argument.

        "Jeff, I still love you." You whispered to yourself as tears flooded your vision, forming streams which ran south down you visage. "I still love you..." You kept repeating the words in hope that he might hear them and come running back to your side to wipe away your tears.

Jeff the Killer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now