Chapter Ten

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        You sat on the floor, crying out that you still loved Jeff. That was until BEN walked in. He stood in the doorway of the large mansion, approximately 8 feet in front of you.

        "So you really don't love me..." BEN's voice was frail, about to break at any second.

        "BEN, that's not what I--" You were cut off by BEN screaming at you, rage filling his being.

        "Shut up, (Y/N)!" He roared at you. Your entity shook in shear terror as BEN took a couple steps toward you. You kept your mouth shut and BEN continued, "I know that you love Jeff, not me. It's quite obvious. Especially after seeing you a sobbing mess telling no one in particular that you love Jeff. It's hard to love two people at once, seeing as if you would be to date two people at once, one, or both of them, would turn against you for deceiving them. Unless, of course, you had their permission to be shared between the two or more boys that you would be in love with. Now, (Y/N), you see, I don't want to share you. I've never been the best at sharing, especially with Jeff. He and I have always been in this "competition" to see who could get what first. Well, Jeff got to you first, left, and I swooped in to save you, the "damsel in distress". Don't you think I deserve something? Don't you think that I should be rewarded for swooping in and being your saving grace? I pulled you out of that hole and you repay me by turning back to Jeff for what I've provided you with. I know that I'm not Jeff. I know that I'm not who you want between the two of us. And I know that you don't love me. So get out of my life. I don't want to see your stupid little "innocent" face ever again.

        You were stunned to say the least. BEN had snapped and you had no idea how to react. "I'm sorry..." You whispered.

        "You know what, (Y/N)? 'Sorry' can't just fix everything. Okay? You can take your 'sorry' ass and get out of my sight."

        And that's exactly what you did. Legs trembling, you stood up and bolted out of the mansion and into the haunting woods that were given the title Slender Woods. You ran, and ran, and ran until your legs finally gave out and your body landed on the hard, leaf-covered ground, a pile of dirt and dust flying into the thick air around you. Your eyes drooped shut and you found you found yourself falling into a deep slumber.


        You woke up later on in the evening, white and red sheets engulfing your frame. Someone had picked you up and taken you to their home, or somewhere where you might just--No. You knew where you were. But why would he want anything to do with you after you blew up at him? The walls were a dark shade of wood, no color residing on them but the original deep brown they were installed with. The floor was also wooden, the color being lighter than that of the walls. There was a single window placed on the wall opposite of the bed you lay in. You were currently in the room of the infamous Jeff the Killer.

        You stood up and walked out of the room. You had been here a few times before the incident between Jeff and you, so you had a general idea of where everything in the house was. Walking down the hall, you saw Jeff sat on a sofa in the living area, placed at the end of the hall. Your heart thumped rapidly at the sight of his face, yet you ventured forward. "J-Jeff," Your voice was quiet and shaken, but still loud enough to get the killer's attention. 

        Said killer turned his head towards you and smiled slightly. "Hey, (Y/N),"

        You had officially engaged in a conversation with your deranged ex-boyfriend. "I'm sorry..." Your voice was still hushed and timid.

        "I know. I can't say I was any better either. So, I'm sorry too."

        You took a seat on the couch next to him and placed your head on his shoulder. "I missed you..."

        Jeff sighed slightly, not in annoyance or boredom or relief. It was just a sigh that meant absolutely nothing. "I missed you too, (Y/N)." Jeff was his arm around your shoulder and brought you closer to him. 

        "BEN hates me now..."

        "And why's that?"

        "I told him I loved him because I thought that I really did. After our little dispute, he heard me crying and saying that I..." You sentence trailed off into silence.

        "That you what? It's okay, you can tell me."

        You inhaled deeply and spoke, "That I still love you." 

        Jeff snickered slightly and you blushed slightly. "I love you too, (Y/N)."

        Jeff kissed the top of your head and you nuzzled yourself deeper into his warm body.

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