Chapter Eleven

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        The next few months were pretty damn hectic, but did you care? Of course not. You were in love and nothing matters except for anniversaries and whether your significant other is happy when you're in love. After you rekindled your relationship with Jeff, the two of you moved back into the mansion. At first, it was kind of bumpy between you and BEN, but now you and him are cool. The two of you consider each other as friends and hangout more often than before your little dispute.

        Slender was okay with you moving back in, even though you never told your parents where you were going. You deemed yourself old enough to do things outside of their supervision. Also, you knew you were safe here where Jeff and the other pastas would protect you if anything were to happen. 

        "Hey, (Y/N)?" It was BEN.


        "I want you to come see something."

        "What is it?"
        "I can't tell you. It's a secret." He winked at you and you scoffed slightly.

        "Fine." You sighed and followed BEN out of the mansion and somewhere in Slender Woods that you had never been before. "Hey, BEN?" You looked around and saw that there was no sign of the short blond anywhere. "That little twink..." You muttered under your breath as you tried to find you way back to the mansion. Much to your dismay, you only wound up getting even more lost. Behind you, you heard the rustling of leaves and slight growling. Looking over your shoulder, you saw nothing but a pair of red, beady eyes. Shit... Your legs took off on their own, the creature following you at an inhuman speed. You barely stayed in front of whatever it was that was chasing you until it finally gave up on you. 

        You heard someone in the distance speaking. "Dammit, BEN. Why'd you have to go and lose her?" It was Jeff. You heart rejoiced in happiness at the sound of his voice.

        "Sorry, Jeff. I just got distracted..." BEN replied. Knowing Jeff, he was probably throwing his hands in the air and groaning right about now. 

        The duo kept talking, giving you a chance to follow the sound of their voice to wherever they were. Soon enough, you saw Jeff and BEN conversing in the distance and you called to them. "Jeff! BEN!"

        BEN and Jeff looked in your direction and smiles plastered themselves onto each of their faces. You threw yourself into Jeff's arms and buried your face in his chest, inhaling the scent of his white, blood-stained hoodie. Pulling away, you saw that the other pastas were there too. They were all having some kind of party. After kissing Jeff quickly, you told him that you were going to hangout with Masky and Hoodie for a bit and you ran over to them.

        After a few hours of talking, eating, etc., Jeff stood up from where he sat next to you and raised his hand, silencing the crowd. Everyone looked up at him, most of them grinning from ear to ear like they knew what would happen next. You, on the other hand, had confusion written all over your face. Jeff cleared his throat and then spoke, "As you all probably know by now, I am deeply in love with (Y/N)." Oh my god. This isn't happening. "For quite some time, I've been trying to figure out how to word this, but now I've realized that the words were always there. On this day, my question will be asked in front of all of you pastas because I want you all to know that (Y/N) is mine and that, depending on her answer, she'll always be mine." Yup, this is actually happening. "So, (Y/N) my love," Jeff got down onto his knee and pulled out a small, opened box that possessed a diamond encrusted ring. He looked straight at you and a wave of heat rushed to your face and your heart throbbed deep within your chest. "Will you marry me?"

        You shot to your feet and looked lovingly into Jeff's eyes. Tears of joy slipped down your face and you nodded vigorously. Jeff pulled himself to his feet, slipped the ring onto your finger, and smashed his lips onto yours, engaging the two of you in a passionate kiss. There were multiple hoots and hollers emitting from the crowd and many of the pastas clapped for the two of you. You and Jeff separated for air and you looked into his eyes, arms wrapped around his neck. "I love you." You whispered so that only he heard you.
         "I love you too, (Y/N)." 

        ((A/N: I feel like I rushed the ending a bit... :\ I just really wanted to get this done because I kinda hate this story with a burning passion... The only thing I might do is re-write the first chapter because a paragraph or two is not  a page/chapter. Hope you enjoyed this awful story! Thanks for reading.))

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