Prologue: The Face of Fear

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          I could hardly remember anything after she took me. The only thing that stuck with me before I blacked out was Fives screaming my name. The pain in his voice was unbearable.

"Oh, shut up. Your thoughts disgust me," said a woman hiding in the corner of the room I was being kept in.

"Wh- where am I?", I asked her, noticing that I was restrained on a metallic medical table.

"You are at your new home," she replied simply. She came out of the darkness, her eyes a bright purple. "Oh, don't do that," she said as she noticed me trying to find a way to release myself from the restraints.

Electricity showered over me. I screamed, hoping for someone, anyone to hear me. I had to get out of this, whatever it was. A trap? Or something different? I could not tell what she had planned for me. "What do you want?", I asked with a tired and broken voice.

"I have been keeping my eyes on you for a while now," she replied coldly. "You exceeded my expectations. The power you possess, I want it to be mine."

"You'll never get me to join you, Sith." I tried to use the Force to throw a nearby chair at her but remembered that my connection was severed ever since I took that shot Master Luminara gave me.

"Sith? Ha!", she responded, hardly able to keep in a laugh. "Sith and Jedi, such feeble terms do not apply to where I come from. What I am is evil at its purest form." She was now standing above me, looking down upon me like I was some sort of experiment to her. "Soon, you will be mine. You can try to resist, but I never stop till I get what I want."

           Once again, the Force-lightning enveloped me. "I understand that you have no control over the Force. I watched as your old Master gave you the syringe. I do not have the antidote, but it matters not. There are more effective, more painful ways for the connection to be restored."

"How much does she know about me?", I thought to myself.

"Everything," she responded. It seems that nothing could be hidden from her. Her connection to the Force was unlike anything I have ever seen. Even Master Yoda did not compare to her. Her power, it was truly unmatched.

           The torture lasted days on end, or weeks. Maybe even months? I was unable to grasp the feel of time anymore. Somehow, I stayed alive through it all. As much as I wanted to just give up and die, I remembered Fives. However, my memories with and of him were becoming fragmented with each passing day. I could feel myself slipping.

          I began to become fueled with rage and anger. I could feel the power I once had returning to me. But I felt stronger than I ever was. A new day of torture came and I finally broke. I clenched my fists and the restraints shattered. I rose up off the table where I had been laying for so long. I felt...nothing. It was like I was a droid, programmed to do whatever their owner wanted.

"Good. Good," exclaimed my torturer. "Welcome home, my new Apprentice. There is much work to be done."

"Yes, Master," I replied, bowing my head and kneeling. The words came out of my mouth, but it did not feel like I said them. I felt stuck inside my own body that a foreign being has taken residence in.

"Back on Lola-Sayu, I heard something about a special holocron that contains a list of all the Force-sensitive children in this galaxy. Your job is to find it. I want an army. This galaxy will be mine. Cut down anyone that intends to stop you from achieving this. Do not fail me, my Apprentice. Failure is not an option."

I nodded my head and turned to look at myself in the mirror. I had different clothes on. I was wearing black armor, plated with gold embellishments. It complimented my scarred face, with my bright yellow eyes...

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