Chapter 2: The Hidden Puppet Master

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          We immediately boarded a Republic cruiser and set off towards Christophsis. The planet was far in the Outer Rim, so I had time to mentally prepare for my first battle in months. I know that I've been programmed to fight, but since I met Kane, I've felt "What are we expecting down there, Rex?", I asked.

"Commander Bly wasn't able to say much since he was preoccupied with the attack," Rex responded. "However, he did contact me again just now and mentioned that the Imps are keeping hundreds of the citizens in the main city captive with threats of executing them if we don't surrender."

"The Republic never surrenders!", I shouted. "There must be a way to win without bringing harm to those people."

"I've been trying to figure that one out. You got any ideas?"

I walked to the holotable that displayed a map of the Republic base and the main city. "Our base is located a good bit away from the city. That means the Imps trying to get us to surrender have to be communicating with the Imps holding the citizens through comlinks."

"I think I see where you're going with this," said Rex.

"All we have to do is shut off their communications long enough to defeat the rebels at our base and make our way to the city before they figure out what's going on."

"Excellent strategy, Fives! I'm glad I got you back on board," Rex exclaimed as he patted me on the back.

"It feels good to be back in the action, Captain."


           It was a standstill as we landed at the base. The Imperial rebels sneered at us behind their makeshift fortifications. Commander Bly rushed towards Rex and me. "Ever since we learned that they were holding hostages we stopped firing. I don't know what to do. We don't just surrender to them, do we?"

"No," Rex asserted. He made sure we were all out of hearing range of the Imperial soldiers. "Fives has a plan."

I brought my voice down to a whisper. "We need to take down their communications long enough to deal with them here and make our way to the city to surprise the other Imps before word gets out that we didn't agree to their terms."

"Good thinking, trooper," Commander Bly replied. "How can my team and I help?"

I looked over to the Imperials. "The surrender, fake it. Make them lose their guard. While they're distracted, Rex and I will go behind them and shut down their communications at that communications station." I pointed to a large building with a satellite spinning in a circular motion on top. "I'll contact you once it's done so you can attack."

"I see why Captain Rex promoted you to ARC Trooper," exclaimed Commander Bly. "I will commence with your plan on your mark."

"Let's do this, then," I said, feeling excited about finally returning to the battlefield.

           Commander Bly and his battalion raised their arms in surrender and slowly made their way to the Imperials. They seemed to be taking the bait. Smiles lit up across their faces as they left the safety of their walls. Rex and I slowly sneaked behind them, making sure to watch our step so we did not step on any debris that could reveal our locations. "We're almost at the station," I stated. "Can you see those guards by the entrance? Seems to be the only ones there."

"I see 'em. Gotta take them out quietly," Rex replied, crouching low to the ground.

          I followed him into some shrubbery beside the stairs that led up to the main entrance. The soldiers were talking, completely unaware of our presence. Rex found a rock on the ground and tossed it. The soldiers immediately stopped conversing and had their blasters pointed in the direction of the sound. They carefully made their way down the steps, making sure to check their surroundings. As they got close enough to us, Rex and I lunged at them and choked them until their bodies went limp. We tossed their bodies into the bush. "I guess the fallen Empire kept one of their characteristics, stupidity," Rex said jokingly. I couldn't help but laugh along with him.

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