Chapter 5: Return to the Dark

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          It was a spur-of-the-moment decision, and, in truth, I was not prepared to return to Umbara. All I knew is that I had to. I had to shelve the memories acquired there in the back of my mind and let them begin to collect dust. General Luminara remained seated. "I must remain here," she said. "I need to figure out what else she knows about this holocron and reconvene with the Council to discuss more on the matter. If that falls into enemy hands, we will have lost everything."

I would have liked her help, but there was truth in what she said. The job of protecting holocrons fell to the Jedi. They are their most valuable possessions. "I wish you luck, General," I replied.

"May the Force be with you, Fives. May it lead you to our lost Jedi safely.

          Rex and I left her to continue her interrogation. "We're gonna need more troops other than the 501st," I stated. "If I'm going back to Umbara. I want to make sure that it ends there. I can't lose him again. Especially not there."

"I believe all the battalions are off fighting at the moment. For now, it's just the 501st. I'll contact the Commanders and see where they're at and if they can return to help us in time."

          As Rex began to use his comlink to speak with the clone Commanders, I went to mine and Kane's room to prepare and think. I sat down on the bed. She knew what she was doing when she decided to go to Umbara. She knew of the pain I endured there. It was all part of her plan. She must think that I would not return there. She was wrong. If I knew all this while I was still drinking at 79's, I think she would have made the right choice. However, now, I've been through hell and back to get Kane back in my arms. This was, hopefully, going to be the final step. Getting him back on Umbara would make me have peace with the planet. Something so incredibly good happening at the place where I felt so much sadness and confusion would really help me come to peace with my past and my actions. Memories of the Order would fade away into the eternal night of Umbara and I would be left with nothing but happiness. I pulled out the picture of us from my hip pouch. I had to remember General Shaak Ti's warning. I could not get my hopes up. As much as I wanted it to end here, I had to realize that this Twi'lek is smart. She might know what I could be thinking right now. And even if she did know, it would not stop me from trying. No matter what dangers await me there, I'm ready to give it all that I got and face it directly.

          My comlink vibrated. "Fives, Commander Wolffe has agreed to join us. He's en route to Coruscant now. We need to prepare to depart as soon as he arrives."

"Yes, sir." I stowed the picture back in my pouch as walked to the Hangar where Rex was waiting for me. The rest of the 501st was there, ready to fight. I felt honored. This was not their fight to partake in. However, they seemed ready to fight alongside me to rescue Kane no matter the dangers that they could encounter. I stood in front of them all. "It truly means everything that you all are willing to lay your lives down for me and my mission. I just wanted to say thank you."

"He is our General too after all," said Hardcase, one of the more rowdy and headstrong troopers. "And even if he wasn't, we know how important he is to you, and we always have time to help a brother out. Right boys?"

They all agreed and raised their fists in the air. I smiled. "Thanks, brothers." Before I could say more, Commander Wolffe's cruiser landed. He and General Plo were the first to walk out.

"It has been a while, Fives," said the General. "General Luminara has requested all Council members to report to the Council Chamber to discuss the nature of a sensitive matter; however, I have sensed the importance of Kane to you, and it would feel wrong to abandon you when you need help."

"I appreciate the help, General," I responded. "But are you sure you want to ignore your duties as a member of the Council?"

"I have made up my mind, my friend. Master Yoda did mention he is the Chosen One after all. That, above all else, is the most important to me as a Jedi. The one destined to bring balance to the Force once and for all is of higher priority than anything else. For without him, there will always be a war between Light and Dark."

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