Chapter 6: No More Rest

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          Many thoughts were racing in my head as we were traveling back to Coruscant. Kane remembered me, and that Twi'lek was not happy about it. I wonder what she was doing to him to make him forget me for good. I clenched my fists as I thought of the different scenarios, none of them being good, just evil. "If I catch her laying a hand on him, I'm gonna kill her," I said to myself.

"Woah there, brother. Don't get too ahead of yourself," mentioned Rex as he walked up to me. "I won't let you throw yourself into the arms of death that easily."

"She just makes me so angry. Just thinking about her is infuriating."

"Have you ever thought that getting you angry is what she wants?"

I pondered that for a second. "What do you mean?"

"I've seen how you act when you're angry. You don't think straight. During war, not having a clear head is what gets you killed."

He was right. After her two attempts at my life failed, she's not tried anything else to get me killed. "Maybe you have a point, but still, it's not easy to just ignore it."

"I know, Fives. You just have to try. He'll be back with us soon enough. I can feel it."

"Me too," I replied with a smile.

           Coruscant came into view, and we landed in the hangar in the Jedi Temple. Rex and I made our way to the Council Chamber. "I've already contacted the Generals before our arrival, telling them that we bring news. They will be expecting us," Rex explained.

"Great," I responded. For some reason that I did not know of, I felt nervous. Not because I was bringing news to the Jedi Generals, but something else. I had this weird feeling in my gut that something really bad was about to happen. Kane mentioned that this was the last step in her grand plan before she was going to risk it all. I could only wonder as to what she was preparing to do once she gets what she wants from Alderaan. All I knew is that she had to be stopped from getting it, whatever it was.

           We reached the Council Chamber, and the Generals were waiting for us inside. "Welcome, Rex. Fives," said General Luminara. "You bring news from Umbara?"

"Yes ma'am," responded Rex with a serious tone. "The enemies there were the ones under the command of the Twi'lek. We encountered them guarding an Umbaran facility of some kind. We assumed it was where they built their war machines. They slaughtered the Umbarans there to take control of it. And it looks like they've been occupying the area for some time." Rex looked over at me. "Fives, you were there. You know more about what happened than I do."

I began to share what I saw occur. "Out of the blue, they just started loading everything onto the ship. They seemed to be evacuating. Kane was among them too. I think that was why they were leaving. Because of me."

"Interesting," replied General Luminara. "It seems that you have sway over their actions. At least for the time being. I've heard of your previous encounters with the ship. Every time you got close, it departed, the ones on board completely giving up on the goals they were there to accomplish."

"Some of the soldiers stayed behind. They noticed me observing them and got in one of those machines and fired at me. I was on a tree and fell to the ground unconscious. During that time, I had a dream, or a vision. Either way, Kane came to me. He told me that I'm the one the Twi'lek fears. She knows that I can remove her grip from him."

"Did he tell you anything else? Where she was going to be next, perhaps?", asked General Plo.

"Alderaan," I responded plainly. "I'm not sure of what she could want there. It's mostly just dense forest spotted with lakes."

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