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Obviously, for my first one shot, I will do a Speedy shot! It is my first time doing this so I honestly don't know how it will turn out. This one is for my girl thecrewsprincess! Love you girl, hope you'll like it!

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|CeCe's POV|

I was in my bedroom, packing my things for a four-days-long trip. This year, Vidcon was actually in Illinois for the first time in ages! It was my first time going there and I was really excited!

I had everything packed, I was just waiting on my brother to drive me to Vidcon. He and I would be staying in a hotel nearby during our trip. The main reason why I was that excited was because I would finally see him. The best Youtuber ever, and my crush since almost forever. KYR_SP33DY.

"Come on CeCe, we'll be late. Put that phone away", mentionned my brother.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming", I mumbled, still scrolling through my Twitter messages that two of my friends kept sending me, asking me to take pictures and enjoy the experience.

"Oh no, we'll miss Speedy if we don't go now", said my brother in a bored way. The simple mention of his name made me jump off of my spot and ran through the front door, locking myself into the car, ready to go.

[Time skip to Vidcon]

"Woah", I murmured in complete amazement in front of the place. Thousands of people moved around the gaming machines, gaming sets and new installations.

I walked into the crowd, completely forgotting my brother. There was a big screen with a gameplay of four persons playing on it. There was a long table with four persons sitting at with a controller in their hand. Probably the ones playing, I thought. There was a crowd around them, but not that big. Maybe like 50 or so persons, all watching the men play. I walked closer to the table to watch the gameplay.

The game ended with three screens indicating 'you lost' and one screen indicating 'you won'.

"Yes!!", one of the contestant, the one who won, exclaimed, throwing his fist in the air. The people around him, including me, applaused at his great performance. The contestant spun in his chair and stopped to look at the crown, thanking them.

When he spun around, my jaw dropped and I stopped applausing. It was Speedy. The KYR_SP33DY. I couldn't believe I was staring at him. In my head, it was almost impossible for it to happen.

He noticed me and smiled wider when he saw I was staring in awe at him, frozed in place with wide eyes. He shook some hands, took some pictures with fans, signed some t-shirts, and then he turned around and started walking in my direction.

He was now in front of me, towering over me with his 6'4". I found myself shaking slightly, still not able to move from where I was standing.

"Hey", he said, smiling warmly.

Did Speedy just said 'hey' to me?, I thought.

"Hello?", he laughed, waving his hand in front of my face. I blinked and looked up at him. Our gazes met and I swear time froze. It felt like it was just him and me. His piercing blue eyes were looking down at me, staring through me.

I gulped and tried to answer to his simple words. "H-H-Hi...", I stuttered.

He simply giggled and tilted his head. "You're adorable. How are you cutie?", he asked, looking at me playfully.

I flushed red and, again, tried to talk. "G-Good...a-and y-you?", I replyed with difficulty.

"I'm good, thanks for asking!", he answered cheerfully. "Are you enjoying Vidcon so far?"

I gulped and nodded. He giggled and tilted his head again. "You're really cute all shy like this. What's your name?", he asked me.

I blushed even more at his compliment. "CeCe...", I almost choked on my words from my nervousness.

"CeCe, I love it", he commented, smiling. I giggled nervously while playing with my hands.

"Aww, you're even more cute when you giggle!", he almost screamed. Some people near us heard him and turned around to look at us, but soon continued what they where doing. "Look, come with me. It will be more calm than here."

He held his hand out for me to take it and I stared at it.

Am I really gonna take his hand? Touch him?, I thought.

He giggled and leaned down a little bit to take a hold of my much smaller hand. His hand was so warm it was almost impossible that all of this was real. I discretely pinched myself, while we walked through the crowd of people, making sure that all of this wasn't just a dream and I was in reality just sleeping in the car on our way here.

Nope. All of this was real.

I tried to calm myself mentally while Speedy opened a metal door, revealing stairs. We walked up the stairs who lead us to a roof part of the building. We were alone. Just the two of us on a rooftop, admiring the magnificent view of Illinois' downtown.

"Pretty isn't it?", said Speedy after a moment.

I nodded. "Yes", I said, barely audible. Though, he heard me because it was silent.

"Not as pretty as you though", I heard. I looked at him only to see that he was looking at me too, smiling shyly with his cheeks slightly pink. I blushed and looked down murmuring a 'thank you'.

There was a comfortable moment of silence before Speedy spoke again. "I think you're really pretty, and I don't say that to a lot of people. I'd like to know you more", he said, his hands in his pockets.

I turned around to look at him and smiled shyly. "I'd like to know you more too", I answered, not even stuttering once.

Woah, what the hell is going on?, I told myself, realizing that I hadn't messed up my words.

Speedy's smile grew wider and he brought me into a hug. I swear that at this moment, I wanted to fall down to the ground. My cheeks grew redder, if that was even possible, but I hugged him back anyway. I couldn't believe I was hugging the one and only KYR_SP33DY.

Finally, we ended up exchanging numbers. Vidcon came to an end and Speedy had to go back to his home state.

"I'll text you as soon as I land", he told me. Now I was back home after the best trip of my life, as happy as ever, and waiting for the message text that I always dreamt of receiving.

'Hey beautiful, it's me, Speedy <3.'

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Hope you liked it! Keep requesting!

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