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This G18 one shot is for @Gam3rSonyeo! Hope you will appreciate it!

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|Skyla's POV|

It was now 1:30 am, and I was running in the rain. I was getting chased by men, I don't know how many though. I'm sure you want a background, so here it is.

It was one in the morning when I decided to get back to my hotel from a nightclub. I wasn't drunk, far from that. I was just tired to dance, also because there was this one guy that was clinging on me and wouldn't leave me alone. I pushed him and got out of the club, in the pouring rain. There wasn't any taxi around and my hotel wasn't that far so I decided to walk. But the thing is, I didn't remember the way to my hotel because it was night time and I only got to visit the city of Los Angeles when it was day time. Suddenly, the main door of the nightclub opened, revealing a couple of men.

"There she is!", screamed one of them, pointing at me.

They started running after me so I started running as well. I turned multiple times on streets that I didn't know the name of. I had a good lead on the men. I ran into a neighborhood, telling myself that I was entering in the first house I saw.

So here I was, running in a street, in the rain, getting chased by men, for whatever the reason is. I looked to my left and my right, trying to find a house with the lights on. I couldn't find one! I've been running for about 30 minutes without success.

Suddenly, I saw a small cottage with the lights on on my left. I ran as fast as I could to that house and tried the handle of the front door. Unlocked. I ran in and locked the door behind me, leaning against it and panting like I had run the marathon.

A guy with dirty blond hair and dark green eyes appeared in my vision. I noticed he was confused and scared at the same time. I could understand. Someone breaking into your house in the middle of the night will surely leave you perplex!

"Do you need help?", he suddenly asked. I nodded my head, still panting. He walked into my direction and frowned.

"You're all soaked. Go take a shower, I'll leave fresh clothes on my bed for you. I'll be in the living room", he said, leading me to the bathroom.

I showered and dried myself and my hair. I rolled the towel around me and walked in a room I guessed was his bedroom. It was. I saw the pile of dry clothes on the bed and immediatly changed. It was a large hoodie and sweatpants. Perfect. They were all warm and shit and it felt good. Plus, it smelled good.

I joined the boy in his living room. He was watching television. He jumped off his couch when he saw me and walked to me.

"Are you alright? Are these okay?", he said, referring to the clothes I wore.

"Yes, thank you by the way."

"There's nothing there", he smiled. "I'll put your wet clothes in the dryer."

I nodded and he left. I didn't have much time to explore that he was already back.

"Can I ask you why you're here?", he asked.

"I was getting chased and here was the only house with lights on, so I took a run for it."

"Why were you getting chased?"

"I don't know to be honest."

"Okay", he nodded. "If you're tired you can sleep in my bed."

"Okay, thank you, euh..."


"Thank you G18. I'm Skyla."

He shyly smiled at me and pushed me towards his bedroom. I guessed he really wanted me to sleep.

A couple of minutes after, as I layed in his bed, I felt the bed shift. I slightly opened my eyes and saw G18. I closed my eyes again to try to fell asleep. I did when I felt warm lips against my forehead and a faint 'goodnight'.

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:D Request are still open!

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