SideArms4Reason (3)

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This one shot is for @kaylatiger. Hope you like it and enjoy!

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|Kayla's POV|

Today was my first day in my new school. We had just moved in to this town and I knew nobody, obviously. So yeah, I was pretty nervous about meeting new people, but eager too.

As I entered by the front door, I was greeted by a lady behind her computer. Probably the secretary or something, I guess. Naturally, I didn't have my schedule or anything so I walked to her and asked her.

"Excuse me? I'm new here", I whispered to her.

"This is not a library, you can talk louder", she chuckled. Yeah, right. "So, what's your name, dear?"


"Hold on, Kayla", she told me. She typed what I assume was my name on her computer and smiled. She searched through a pile of sheets and retrieved a stack of sheets from it.

"Here is your schedule and-"

"Yo sorry Deb, missed the bus haha if you know what I mean!"

I turned around to see a boy running to the desk where I was and stand, panting, next to it. He had his hair sticking everywhere in a cute way, like he had just woke up.

"Obviously, Albi, you just woke up", snorted the secretary. "First day at school and you still manage to get late to your classes. The principal told me that next time you are late, it's detention."

"That I am late? What about Speedy! He's late too!", Albi pouted.

"It happened once. You are late pretty much everyday, Albi", she replied, crossing her arms on her chest and leaning back in her chair. "Plus your shirt is backward."

His shirt was effectively backward. I let out a small giggle and watched as he struggled to get it turned the other way. His eyes locked with mine and his cheeks flushed red. Mine as well I could say. What can I say, he's cute! Ok he's gorgeous.

"Hi", Albi said. "Didn't notice you there at first. I'm Albi."


He extended his hand and I shook it.

"Why don't you show Kayla around since you're already late for your first class?", the secretary asked Albi.

"Yeah, sure", he smiled, never removing his eyes from mine. I realized then that our hands were still interwined even though we had stopped shaking our hands. I swiftly snatched my hand from his, and I could see his smile slowly vanish.

"Follow me, I'll show you around", Albi said, walking to the door that separated this place with the rest of the school.

He opened the the door and held it open. "Ladies first."

I smiled at him and walked through the door frame, quickly followed by Albi.

We walked side by side in the hallways, him showing me and explaining the meaning of each classroom and room. He showed me were the bathrooms were, the cafeteria and the gym too. He showed me were my locker was since I didn't know the school yet. My locker was in the basement, where there were like a hundred of them. In a 5000-students school.

"So here is your locker", he said, motionning the rusty pinkish colored locker. At least we have our own locker, and not two persons per locker like at my old school.

"Let's see whose locker is next to yours", he said, opening the locker next to mine. There was a hoodie hanging in it and a pair of snickers in the bottom. Stacks of paper on the top shelf flew around when he opened the locker.

"Oh shit. It's mine", he laughed. "So that's where my hoodie was. I looked for it everywhere!"

"How can you forget your things here all summer?"

"Actually", he took a sheet of paper, which turned out to be a schedule. "This was my schedule from two years ago."

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, I don't come here often as you can see", he giggled, making me giggle too because his giggle is contagious.

"But now I have a good reason to come here more often."

"What reason?", I asked him.

He simply smiled and looked at me, crossing his arms on his chest and leaning against his locker. Oh.


I could feel the heat crawling up my neck as he continued to look at me. So yeah, I was the reason he would come here more often. But like, I didn't care because obviously he's gorgeous and I wouldn't mind hanging with him at all.

The bell rang, startling the both of us; it echoed in this small tunnel. "So that was the bell for the end of classes."

"So we better go to our second class then, right?"

"Yes. You have ten minutes between each classes to get to your next class. So, what is you next class?"

"Eum, chemistry", I said, scanning my schedule.

"Good, let's walk to it then!", Albi chirped as he started making his way up the stairs. I followed him up the stairs until we were in the main hallway.

"Ok so chemistry is habitually on the first floor", he said as we walked through the crowds of students.

"So it's here", he said as we stopped in front of a classroom that said E-106 next to the door.

"But it says C-118 on here", I said, showing him my schedule. He snatched the paper from my hands and examined it.

"You're right. So this way", he said, walking to another set of stairs. This time, we went a floor up. We walked to the far end of the hallway, where C-118 showed next to the door. There were already a few students in the classroom as we get there.

"Thank you, Albi, for showing me around", I told him, smiling.

"You're welcome", he smiled back.

"Side! Come on, we'll be late!", someone screamed at the other end of the hallway.

"Look, I gotta go, but we'll hang out that's for sure", he smiled. I smiled back at him.

"Look", he said, before I entered my class. "I won't denie it, you're fucking gorgeous so we have to hang out. My friends will be jealous that my girl's so stunning! See you later, Kayla", he winked, and sprinted off.

As I sat down in my classroom, I noticed my constant blush on my face, and my small smile. Don't get me started, I have all the rights to be flushed like that.

He called me his girl.

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So I hope this was good! I kinda like it to be honest! Don't forget to vote! And keep requesting, it's still open!

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