G18SprayAndPray x SideArms4Reason

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This one shot was requested by xsmxyz! Hope you'll like it as much as I do!

There is smut. 😈

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|SideArms' POV|

Me along with Speedy, Joel, Deluxe, D20 and G18 were playing H1Z1. It was fun, we were messing around in the game. Well, fun for me, but maybe not for all of us. While we were messing around, Speedy started shooting everywhere. Joel and D20 joined in and I thought it was fun so I started shooting too. It was really fun, until G18 told us to stop before we killed each other.

"What? You're afraid you might die?", I giggled, aiming at G18's player.

"Woah there, Side! Don't shoot, buddy!", G exclaimed, making his player lifting his arms in the air.

"Why?", I laughed. "You're afraid you might lose all your things?"

"Yes, actually. I've got over 10 hours of gaming of stuff. If you kill me, I'll lose everything", he explained.

I smirked, even though I knew he couldn't see me. "Well, that's unfortunate", I said as I clicked the 'shift' button, making G18's player to fall to the ground, dead.


Speedy, Deluxe, D20, Joel and I were laughing loudly. Speedy got lost in a fit of laughters and mute his mic. I was clutching at my stomach on my computer chair. While Deluxe was serving himself in G18's stuff, in the left bottom corner we could read 'TheG18 left the game'.

"He rage quited!", exclaimed Joel before we all started laughing again. Speedy unmuted his mic and said, "Guys, he left the call too."

"Aww, he's no fun!", said Deluxe.

"Well, I think I'm gonna head off, guys", I said.

"Me too, it's getting late for me", said Joel.

Finally, we all left the game and eventually, the call.

[Time skip to an hour later]

I was just getting out of the shower. I decided to watch television before heading to bed. That's what I'd always do. After about an hour, I started to feel tired so I went to bed. Just as I was confortably rolled up in my bed, I was awoken by a rough knock on my door.

[For the sake of the story, G and Albi live in the same state, okay? Thank you.]

I sleepily walked to the front door as the knocks got louder and louder. I opened the door only to be pushed by the person who abruptly errupted in my house.

"You motherfucker", he said. I looked up and saw it was G18.

"Hey G, what are you doing here?", I asked as I got up. G walked towards me, anger written all over his face, and I walked back until I was against the wall and couldn't back off more.

He slammed his hands each side of my head, real close to my face, which scared me. "That was not really cool what you did earlier."

"I-I'm sorry, dude. It was just a jok-"

"Not for me!", he cut me, slamming his left hand on the wall. "You're gonna pay for this, Albi."

I gulped. "I-I'm sor-"

I was cut off by him roughly pressing his soft lips against mine. I was shocked at first, but I soon kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck. His hands lowered and wrapped themselves around my waist, pulling me closer to him. The kiss was getting really heated, making me getting hard. Without me wanting it, I started blushing. I let out a small moan, but enough for G to start grinding on me. I moaned and G pulled away, going to my neck. He bit and sucked on a specific spot, letting more moans escape from my lips. I could feel G getting hard. While he was still sucking on my neck, I unbuttoned his pants and palmed him through his thin fabric. He let out a moan, making me harder. It was getting really uncomfortable in my pants so I lowered them. G palmed me through my boxers and licked my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

"Maybe...maybe we could continue this upstairs", I suggested.

G grabbed me bridal way and smirked. "Hell yeah."

The next morning, I woke up, completely naked, cuddling against G, and with a pain in the ass.

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