G18SprayAndPray (2)

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This short one shot is dedicated to @HoneyBean00! Hope you like it!

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|Honey's POV|

I had started going to college last year. It was hard work. Everyday I had at least three hours of homework to do. Without including the studying. I hadn't made many friends since I've been here because I'm majoring in electronic design.

Which basically means improving already existent videogames and creating basics little games. Basically all the students in my classes were boys, so that's why I didn't have much friends. But I did get along really well with one of them.


We're in all the same classes so we sit next to each other in every single one of them. He's really smart, smarter then me. That's one of the reason I'm friend with him, because I can ask him for help whenever I need it, and he'll always be there to explain to me what I don't understand.

Also, he's by far the best gamer I've ever seen. He rekts everyone in every single game. I'm pretty sure he'd beat everyone's asses in My Little Pony. If they would made a game that it.

I had to admit that he was rather attractive too. All the girls in my program had an eye on him, even some boys did. I was no exception.

The thing was, even if I'm not ugly at all, like I'd say I'm average, I was pretty sure he would never like me. I'm nothing crazy, not like some of these girls in my program. I was pretty sure some of them were in that program only for the hot gamer boys. I was there because videogames are my passion, and I always wanted to do something related to videogames when I was older.

I was in my dorm, doing some homework, when I heard a quiet knock on my door. Or what seemed like it. It was so quiet that I wasn't sure if someone had really knocked on my door, or if I was just imagining myself that somebody had did it. For that, I waited, all ears, that the knock errupted again.

Another faint knock.

Quietly, I walked to my dorm door and opened it to reveal G18 standing there with a plastic bag in hands.

"Hello", he waved.


"I was wondering if you wanted to game with me, maybe?", he asked, lifting the bag.

"I was doing some homework, but-"


I sighed, but smiled. "Okay. Come on in."

I opened the door wider and scooted to the side to let him in. He waltzed pass me and sat on my bed with his bag in hands.

"What's in it?", I asked him, pointing at the plastic bag.

"My Xbox and some games", he smiled. "Can I hook it up to your TV?"

"Yeah of course!"

He walked to the small televison in the corner of my room and connected his console to it. He popped in Modern Warfare III and handed me a controller.

"MW3?", I smiled as we both threw blankets and pillows on the floor in front of the screen.

"I thought we could play a classic", he giggled.

"That's a good idea."

We played videogames for hours! We changed between MW3, Madden, Need For Speed and many other games. He beat me in every game! He really was the best gamer I'd ever met.

When I checked the time, it indicated 5:57 am. "Damnit! We played literally all night long!", I laughed. "I'm not even tired."

"Shit", he laughed. "Maybe I should go because we do have a class at 9, remember? Maybe you should try and get some rest before class starts."

"That wouldn't do harm to anyone", I said as I helped him unplug his console and put away his games.

I walked him to the door and thanked him for the night. "It had been a while since I had that much fun, thank you, G."

"Yeah, since I'm here I don't get much time to play neither."

"I'll see you later then", I waved.

Quickly, he pecked my lips and smiled. "See you later!"

I quickly closed the door and rested my back on it. I wasn't expecting him to kiss me, but you can say I didn't really mind.

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