Chapter 7: The Wings of Freedom and the Shackles of Guilt

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(A.N This chapter begins the day after the Yagi's had figured out Izuku had left. Also, his villain/vigilante suit will be described, but it will be revealed at the USJ).

Izuku was living his life. In the past day and a half, he has felt the best he has since Yami died. He was free from his family and was loving every second of it. It was like he was a bird released from their cage, but he still had an issue. "I know we said we wouldn't be on their side the next time we meet, but I don't want to be as bad as them. I'm stupid, stupid, STUPID." "We could just kill the bad people, we'd be villains, but good villains. I don't know I just want to kill some people. It sounds fun," said an excited Grimm. "PERFECT," replied Izuku. "That won't work dumbasses," said Fu. "What do you mean," asked a devastated Izuku. "Our body is weak and frail. We would be defeated and captured immediately. Not to mention, we don't even know how to use our quirk, or what it even does, or why it just showed up now. Plus, we need muscles," replied an annoyed Fu. "That's easy, we go to the quirk doctor under a different name and see what our quirk is and why it didn't appear earlier," said Izuku with an upbeat down. "What about our body," asked Grimm. "There is a simple solution for that," replied Izuku. "I work on speed and agility, Fu works on flexibility and parkour, and you work on building muscle, but all of us have to get used to what our body will be able to do." "Sounds like a plan," said a satisfied Fu. Izuku, who was in control of the body, smiled a creepy smile and laughed, "HAHAHAHAHA. WELL THEN, LET'S BEGIN."

(Meanwhile with Izuku's 'family')

Everyone from the previous night had once again reunited under Nezu's order. " We have deciphered the majority of the song, we just need Izumi's help for some lines," said a tired Nezu. "Okay Uncle Nezu," said Izumi. "Don't call me Uncle, you lost that right," said an angry and scowling Nezu. "Okay," replied a disheartened Izuku. "Let's begin. Now the first line was, 'I am slowly learning that the things you promised me are burning like the embers of a thousand willow trees.' Although this is self-explanatory, we need to know what this promise means. Izumi?" In a low voice, Izumi said, "When we younger and reached the quirk doctor, Izuku was worried that one of us would get a weak quirk or none at all, so I promised him that we would always love and support each other." "AND YOU BROKE THAT PROMISE WHEN YOU STARTED TO BULLY HIM. WHEN DID YOU BREAK IT, A WEEK, A MONTH, A YEAR," a furious Aizawa screamed. Izumi replied with a whisper. "ANSWER ME DAMN IT." "IN A DAY, in a day," replied Izumi with tears filling her eyes. "Calm down Shota, as much as I am enjoying this Nezu needs to continue," said Nemuri. "Now the next 2 lines were easy to understand. 'And every single secret had been broadcast like T.V' meant that we finally found out about the neglect and bullying," but before he continued Izumi interrupted. "That's not what it means." "What do you mean dear," asked Inko. "Izuku never kept the neglect and bullying a secret. In fact, every person in school and the neighborhood knew. Even some police officers knew. They just never cared. It means that Katsumi, Katsuki, Shoto, Shoka, and I would always mention that he was quirkless to anyone and everyone. That was the only thing Izuku tried to keep a secret." "Why would you do that," asked Toshi. "We thought that if everyone knew he was quirkless they would discourage him from being a hero." Clenching his teeth, Nezu growled out, "Thank you for telling us. Now the next line is 'And all the threads are severed that were tying you to me.' This one means that has stopped loving and caring for Izumi, and most likely all of us. The next line however is the most concerning." "What do you mean Nezu," asked Mitsuki in a rare moment of calmness. "The next line is 'I thought we were friends, but now we're enemies'. This is the line Izuku hinted at in his audio recording. It means that he won't be on the hero's side the next time mmet him. This could mean anything, from hating heroes to becoming a vigilante/villain. We must pray that he doesn't choose the last 2." "Why are you so worried about him becoming a villain or vigilante, there is not much he can do without a quirk," said All Might. Immediately when he said this everyone turned to him glaring. "YOU IDIOT! THAT'S THE TYPE OF THINKING THAT GOT US IN THE MESS. WHY ARE SO HUNG UP ON THE IDEA THAT QUIRKLESS PEOPLE CAN'T DO ANYTHING," screamed a furious Aizawa. However he didn't stop there, "IS NEZU A HERO, IS RECOVERY GIRL A HERO? AM I A HERO, IS NIGHTEYE A HERO? NONE OF US HAVE COMBAT QUIRKS! ALL OF US ARE AS MUCH OF A HERO AS YOU, YOU OVERGROWN MUSCLE-BRAINED OAF!" "Aizawa is correct Toshinori. Just based on the notes I opened last night, he could take on every one of here, and win. In fact, the page I opened was on you. In summary, it said that every one of your moves has unnecessary and flashy movements that can let anyone with higher than average speed attacked you in your weak spot. Izuku could reveal this information to everyone on the planet, including the villains who want to kill you. Every other page had similar information on the top 10 heroes and candidates for the spots." This caused everyone in the room to look at Nezu in horror."I can understand your fear, but I believe that when we find Izuku or when he reveals himself to us he wants everyone that was part of his horrible childhood to see how far we have driven him, as such there is a high chance he will not reveal this information," said a conflicted Nezu. On one hand, he wants All Might to suffer, but that would cause society to collapse.

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