Chapter 39: A Broken Boy

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There might be inconsistencies with pronouns, but you should figure it out and if you don't just leave a comment and I'll fix it.

'Izuku' stared at the army of heroes that were going to face it; it smiled maliciously. However, when a random hero sent a stretchy punch from on top of the stadium it scowled. "However, before we start, let's get rid of all this fodder,'' it said as it made the same humanoid and knightly monsters that Fu made during the Calvary battle. It made a hollow cube; it entered and floated in the air, controlling the monsters as if they were marionettes. Many heroes banded together to try and defeat them. Nevertheless, much like the students that faced these monsters before they were being overwhelmed.
They were dodging both sword, lance, and energy attacks. Many were failing and being hit, being near death in the end. They only survived due to 'Izuku's' indifference that existed because these people were not the ones who wronged Izuku. However, they were in the way and needed to be exterminated. "JUST DIE A PAINLESS DEATH,'' 'Izuku' screamed over the chaos as it witnessed everything from above. It watched as heroes were crushed with an overwhelming feeling of helplessness. It watched as the citizens stared in fear. It watched as the stadium started to crumble from the meteorite slowly coming down. It watched as hero students tries their best to help. "HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE THE POWERLESS ONES!? HUH!? HOW DOES IT FEEL!? COME ON TELL ME! IZUKU LIVED THIS EVERY DAY...and now, you will suffer because of the heroes and society you adore,'' 'Izuku' yelled out in anger. Meanwhile, everyone on the ground, Hikaru mostly, pleaded with Izuku to stop and return to his senses.
Sadly, Hikaru's cries fell on deaf ears as Izuku was too consumed by his insanity, in a figurative and literal sense.

Legion's Mindscape

Grimm and Fu were trying to stop 'Izuku'. However, the longer this fit of insanity lasted the more the landscape resembled a home and the more it resembled a labyrinth. "WHAT IS HAPPENING?'' "YOU MEAT HEAD! DON'T YOU REMEMBER THAT IF WE USED TOO MUCH OF OUR QUIRK OUR INSANITY WOULD WORSEN!"
Grimm turned to Fu. "NO SHIT SHERLOCK! I'M ASKING WHY OUR BRAIN IS TURNING INTO A MAZE" "HELL IF I KNOW! WHAT MATTERS IS STOPPING IZUKU OR HIKARU DIES!" Grimm yelled out in frustration. He believed that if this was going to happen to anyone it would be him, but no it just had to be the person who was batshit crazy when the quirk affected him. This, on top of the fact that Hikaru was in danger and Izuku, hadn't even considered it meant things were bad. Which is an understatement to say the least. Grimm pulled himself together and said, "We better hurry up and reach Izuku, because if we don't. Well, let's just say the world would have preferred an all-out war between heroes and villains.''
Meanwhile, with Izuku, his situation was much more disturbing. He was at the control panel, however, his eyes were glazed over. Wrapped around him was a large monster with a large muscular upper body, long arms, and a tail-like black mist that served as its lower body. As for its head, it was a shell that looked similar to a brain. Extending from its head were several tendrils and on its claw-like hands, there were long untrimmed nails. However, the most disturbing thing about the creature had to be its mouth. It seemed to be stuck in a perpetual insane grin, showing off a mouth full of thin sharp teeth. Escaping its mouth was a long and slimy tongue that was licking Izuku's face. "That's right. Let me take control Izuku. Let me be your revenger. I will never abandon you'' it said in an eerily familiar voice to Izuku.
The voice belonged to Yami and whoever or whatever this creature was it was using that voice to manipulate Izuku. "That sounds nice Dad. I missed you ya know. I'm so tired of everything.'' The monster responded, "I know Izuku. I know, just let me take control, and all your pain will disappear.'' "That sounds nice Dad,'' Izuku said as he smiled and let the monster take control. ''Your such a smart young boy you know. I'm glad you didn't tell Grimm I was back to keep it a surprise. I'm sure he'll like my gift.'' Izuku chuckled and as if in a trance he mindlessly responded, "Yeah, yeah I'm sure he will. You know, I like it when people call me smart.'' ''I know, I know,'' as the monster slowly started to consume Izuku, who just let it happen. "It will soon be over. No...more....pain,'' it said, its voice transitioning from Yami's into something more demonic and feminine.

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